
Best for:
金融服务领域,银行、telecommunications, automotive and manufacturing
从$ 500起
Best for:
金融服务领域,银行、telecommunications, automotive and manufacturing
从$ 500起

Employee advocacy is a simple proposition. You identify the people in your business who have prominent social profiles, invite them to post content about or related to your company, and then give them rewards for doing these things. With successful campaigns, you’ll get greater social reach, more leads, and better quality hires. Just another day at the office, right?

If that’s what you think about employee advocacy—and I confess to sharing this reductionist view—then you haven’t been introduced to Ambassify. Founded in 2015, the Belgian company created a platform that indicates two things: one, that many of us haven’t really considered how much you can do with an EA platform, and two, the team at Ambassify have spent a LOT of time thinking about thow much you can do with an EA platform.

The difference starts with the branding of Ambassify. It’s not an employee advocacy solution, so much as it is a品牌倡导解决方案。出于本次评论的目的,我将从EA的角度介绍所有内容,但是知道该软件在这方面所能做的一切也适用于消费者。员工为什么要获得所有乐趣?与社交听力工具一起使用,您还可以确定在社交世界中谁已经是忠实的客户,并将其招募为您的品牌倡导者;您将使用所有用于管理员工倡导者的工具与客户一起工作。

This is a more holistic approach to brand advocacy in general, and many of Ambassify’s customers have been singing their praises for the results they’re getting out of the platform. You can check out any of the实例探究出版在他们的网站上,并仔细阅读Nvidia,Microsoft,KBC Bank,Bang&Olufsen和Bioracer等客户的发光推荐。这些成功案例之间的共同点是,大使将倡导视为对话。许多平台是188滚球地址单向解决方案;该品牌是否决定共享哪些内容或使其倡导者自由地限制他们的意愿,该过程始于共享的内容覆盖人,并以竞选报告结束。这是一个线性过程,起点和结尾;当广告系列结束时,您再次开始。


Pros and Cons
Customer support-oriented platform
Easy engagement features
No Reddit functionality
Expensive price point
Difficult to promote the platform
Best for: Financial services areas, banking, telecommunications, automotive and manufacturing
Easy of Use



Ambassify有三个级别的订阅,但doesn’t publish pricing. Each plan is priced on a “per advocate/per month” basis, but like many platforms they want a year long contract—advocacy takes time and you won’t know truly know the impact in just a few months.

Their plans break down like this:

  • Professional —一个管理员用户帐户,自我服务培训,自动化票支持以及基本的倡导工具和功能。有很多,所以检查他们的Planspage for the full accounting.
  • 优质的 -通过大使和直接电子邮件支持,多个管理员,培训和入职服务。您将获得专业的基本功能,以及更多高级工具,平台本身的白色标签以及高级分析。
  • Enterprise-All of the above, with phone support, dedicated account manager, and very detailed customisation. You can also integrate Ambassify with 3rd party software (like Slack or Salesforce, for example), and get API access for more custom integrations.


我不会花很多时间来探讨您从倡导平台上期望的事情。当然,有一个内容供稿,具有模板,消息传递,奖励,倡导门户网站的广告系列创建 - 一切都在那里。


First, I’d like to expand on what I said in the Overview, that you don’t just create a community of advocates with Ambassify, you nurture it. This all happens within a feature of the software called—wait for it—the Community portal. On the surface the portal seems like any other EA platform as seen from the advocate side. They login, see available campaigns, a leaderboard, a feed showing posts made by the community, and a way to redeem points for rewards. Where this becomes different is in the campaigns themselves.

Ambassify offers 20+ campaign templates, each for different purposes—a Facebook share, a tweet, an Instagram post, and others like this. But there’s also a category of campaigns for feedback, soliciting suggestions for new posts, A/B testing campaign ideas, or sending out polls. These aren’t really campaigns, per se, but the process of getting people to participate works the same way: you create the campaign, members of the community see it, and they participate.

After inviting people to join the community, the first campaign Ambassify recommends you run is poll, the results of which let the software calculate who your strongest advocates are. For an employee advocate, it’s as simple as asking the question: On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend working here? People responding with high marks will be your best advocates, the ones you want to have front and center for important campaigns. People in the middle, with more passive results, might not be great boosters for your image but probably wouldn’t mind sharing pre-made content for rewards. Those who give lower scores should probably be quarantined out of the community. From this poll, Ambassify creates individualised Net Promoter Scores, aka their NPS. You can use these scores to segment members accordingly (you can create any number of groups based on any kind of criteria, as well).

这并不是唯一的反馈活动 - 其他人允许社区成员提出有关原始或重新发布的内容的想法。另外,您可以发送多个图像,博客文章或帖子版本,以查看您的拥护者认为最有效的倡导者。最终,这种策略制定的双向街道对社区产生了两倍的影响。首先,在内部给他们声音给出了一定的所有权感,并加强了他们实际上part of a community. This translates to the second impact: your advocates are going to be posting content they’re genuinely excited about—and we all know the value of authenticity.

But it’s not just these bigger conceptual things that Ambassify gets right. The mechanics of using the platform are extremely well thought out, taking into account much more than the user interface. These differentiators can be found in a few places:

  • Activation —Most platforms encourage you to hand select the employees you think would make great advocates and add just those people to the platform—shutting out every other person who wasn’t chosen. This approach could also leave you with a smaller team than you want because not everyone will want to participate. With Ambassify, you inviteeveryoneto sign up, and there are no limits or restrictions around who can participate. Once these people have joined community, you can slice and dice them into relevant groups to manage them, as described above. By opening it up to everyone and leaving it to them to opt in, it won’t take several rounds of recruitment to build a team that wants to be there.
  • 移动应用 -老实说,您的拥护者很可能是千禧一代,如果不需要,他们就不会搞砸计算机或网站。为此,Ambassify为社区成员创建了一个移动应用程序,以收到有关新活动的推动通知并参与竞选活动。这是与选择的人联系的人,是一种更有效的方法。

  • Campaign Sign-ups —When you create a campaign brief to publish to the community, you have a choice to create a public landing page for it, as well. This enables you to reach even those people who didn’t sign up in the first place. Community members will get their push notifications and access the portal directly from their phones, but those who didn’t want to sign up can still get notified via email and click on a link to sign up on a campaign-by-campaign basis.
  • 易于注册 -For a lot of us, just having to type in registration information—even if it’s as basic as name/email/password—can be a hassle. Here again, Ambassify makes it easy to activate advocates by letting them sign in with the social profiles (in other words, a one-click sign up). You can even configure which channels you’ll accept (i.e. you’ll allow Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google accounts, but not Twitter or Instagram).
  • Campaign Notifications —即使是符合智能手机的人也不会检查所有通知,尤其是如果您非常积极地创建广告系列。大使可以通过每周的电子邮件摘要来补充这些通知,其中包含他们可能错过的每条新活动摘要的清单。这是传达信息的好方法:倡导者可以预览所有广告系列,而无需进入该应用程序,如果他们想参与其中,则可以单击它们的方式。

This mobile-forward approach seems like a no-brainer, but it’s not one that everyone’s doing. And for those that are, they’re not doing it in as thoughtful a way as Ambassify does. There are many more details about the platform, from its reporting, to its seemingly endless amount of customisation that’s possible, to an attractive and minimalist user interface. And everything you’ve done here with your employees? You can do it with your customers, too. You’ll obviously want to create different campaigns and rewards for them, but the tools you’ll use are identical.


If you’ve skipped through everything in this review to get the TL;DR version, here it is: Ambassify is a top-notch brand advocacy solution. It makes recruiting and activating advocates simple, whether they’re your employees or customers/fans. It makes a lot of things simple, actually, despite being some pretty complex software. It goes above and beyond most of its competitors in both small and big ways, and it all adds up to be a platform that I have no reservations in recommending. It doesn’t just allow you to manage something like employee advocacy, it gives you the tools to find and even create more advocates. Success at this isn’t guaranteed by using the platform. But if you fail, I can guarantee it isn’t the software’s fault.

Best for:
金融服务领域,银行、telecommunications, automotive and manufacturing
从$ 500起
Best for:
金融服务领域,银行、telecommunications, automotive and manufacturing
从$ 500起