

一种s an Amazon seller, it is crucial to保持趋势并留意预测。了解其增长,用户行为,销售趋势和其他指标可以帮助您制定更有效的业务增长策略。您应该知道的是一些令人惊叹的亚马逊统计数据,以优化2023年平台上的性能。





23 Amazing Amazon Statistics You Need to Know for 2023




2.亚马逊警察10.40percent of the retail market share in the United States.

沃尔玛在零售市场份额方面击败了亚马逊,但亚马逊的10.40%的零售市场份额is not far off from Walmart’s 12.67 percent. Amazon still generates more than $460 billion in retail sales. We can expect this to go even higher as Amazon expands its physical presence by opening brick-and-mortar stores throughout the country.



4. Amazon has a brand value of $705.65 billion.

尽管与2021年相比,增长量很小,但亚马逊仍然打破了记录2022年的品牌价值为7056.5亿美元。它保留在全世界三个最有价值的品牌中。它继续通过多样化的收入来源来扩大其全球影响。除了在线增加产品和服务外,它已经开始在美国开设实体商店。此外,它正在通过Amazon Web Services(AWS),Amazon Prime和AD Spaces扩大其云服务。




Third-party seller share is steadily increasing. In Q2 of 2022,第三方卖家占售出总单位的57%。这显示出从2021年第二季度的56%略有增长。但是,我们看到第三方销售稳定增长,数量从53%(第二季度2020年第2季度)攀升至57%(第二季度2022年)。

6. FBA是亚马逊上68%的商人的首选履行方法。

More merchants are adding fulfilled-by-Amazon (FBA) to their fulfillment options. In the mid-2022,68 percent of merchants依靠亚马逊的物流来履行其订单。大约21%的商人将FBA与自己的处理和运输服务结合在一起。查看我们的帖子如何在亚马逊FBA上出售to increase your sales.



7. Amazon has over 300 million customers worldwide.

亚马逊迎合了300 million active customers在180多个国家 /地区传播。这个庞大的市场在全球只有超过190万活跃的卖家,为卖家提供了利润丰厚的增长机会。


8. Amazon ships to more than 100 countries and regions.


9. 78%的在线购物者认为价格是产品选择中最重要的因素。


10. 75 percent of consumers check prices and reviews on Amazon before making a purchase.

亚马逊仍然是消费者最受欢迎的搜索目的地。四分之三的购物者check prices and product reviews on the platform before making their purchase. So even if you have your own eCommerce site, you can generate more leads with an Amazon seller account. Other popular platforms for product searches are Walmart, Facebook, and YouTube.


In May 2022, the Amazon website registered24亿visits from both desktop and mobile devices making it the most visited eCommerce site in the entire country. This is up from 2.3 billion in April 2022 and is most likely to increase further as consumers start shopping for the holiday season.

12. Prime Day 2022实现了销售3亿件商品的创纪录数字,净销售额为120亿美元。

全球购买的主要成员more than 300 million items在今年的黄金日,每分钟购买约100,000件商品的速度。与以前相比,这是最快,购买的大多数物品Prime Day events。Statista记录总销售额为120亿美元全球亚马逊黄金日销售。

Prime Day 2022



亚马逊以其automation software toolsThat drive conversions. This year, it boosts its Manage Your Experiments tools with new features that will help sellers develop content that drive conversions. Sellers can now run A/B tests on bullet points and descriptions along with titles and main images. They also gain access to machine learning-based recommendations that make content creation more effective. Augmented by other new additional analytics and data tools,sales are estimated to increase by up to 25 percent

14. 76 percent of consumers are more likely to purchase Amazon private label products.

一项消费者调查显示,有66%的亚马逊购物者开放购买专用标签,而不是品牌名称。76%的人更有可能购买亚马逊专用标签。This is probably because consumers today focus more on price and value rather than branding. With more shoppers opting for private labels, it comes to no surprise that现在有59%的亚马逊卖家使用专用标签方法

15. 44 percent of Amazon shoppers use voice assistants.

2023 is the time to boost your voice search strategy. A recent consumer survey shows that44%的购物者使用语音助手进行购买。如果您尚未将语音搜索包括在销售和营销策略中,那么现在是这样做的绝佳时机。这肯定会在未来的几年中给您带来优势。

16. 38%的消费者发现赞助广告有帮助。

Sponsored adsare still worth the investment, with38%的消费者发现他们有帮助在他们的买家旅程中。此外,它们有效地推动了产品销售。多达70%的购物者购买了亚马逊搜索结果页面上列出的第一个产品。


17. There are more than 1.7 million small-and medium-sized businesses in Amazon.

大致60 percent of retail sales in Amazon come from SMB accounts。迄今为止,来自亚马逊商店销售的130多个国家 /地区有超过170万SMB。仅在美国,中小型企业平均每分钟售出4,000多件商品,平均年销售额超过160,000美元。

18. By 2023, Amazon device packaging will be 100 percent curbside recyclable.

作为其环境可持续性计划的一部分,亚马逊设定了一个目标,使他们设备包装100%路边可回收2023。一种side from the ethical and sustainable sourcing of the wood fiber used in Amazon device packaging, they also plan in incorporating recycled materials into new Amazon devices.




亚马逊的低员工流失量可以归功于他们为员工的出色护理。除了额外的员工福利外,该公司还投资了几乎one billion dollars to increase the average starting pay对于前线员工,每小时超过19美元。此外,员工现在可以在这个月的任何时间免费获得薪酬。这使他们可以灵活地调整薪酬周期并将其与其他财务合成。


除了加薪外,亚马逊还在大量投资其他员工福利。它几乎提供了$10 billion in total investment for benefits仅今年的团队。其中一些好处包括职业发展计划和每小时员工的免费大学学费。难怪它使LinkedIn的顶级公司努力工作。


根据Statista,现在在全球拥有超过2亿亚马逊主要成员,在美国居住了1.53亿。从2019年起,成员资格和订阅的20%大幅增长。去年,该会员资格对平台用户的强烈吸引力在消费者行为中看到了大约65%的美国亚马逊购物者被注册为主要会员。尽管如此,今天的许多消费者还是在沃尔玛,Costco和Target Circle的成员资格,以获取最佳交易和折扣,这是一无所获。

23. Bullish forecast indicated Amazon has the potential for $10 billion in capex savings.

财务分析师贾斯汀·邮报(Justin Post)预测2023年亚马逊的利润丰厚。他的看涨预测明年的亚马逊预期为亚马逊的价格目标为188美元。他看到该平台有潜力$10 billion in capex savings and $4 billion in headcount savings。If it can capture a mere 5 percent of the global e-commerce delivery market share, it can potentially drive $100-billion incremental value opportunity in Amazon Logistics. These positive outlook are good news for investors with stakes in the platform.


Over the years, Amazon has shown adaptability and agility in meeting the changing demands of consumers. It has transformed itself and constantly improves its system to adapt to fast-evolving business landscapes. Most importantly, it has provided individual sellers and brands a robust platform for growing their businesses online.

To amplify your business growth in the next few years, stay up to date with the latest trends, statistics, and forecasts. Check out亚马逊seller conferencesto learn more about the platform. Be quick to adapt your business strategies to gain a competitive edge in the retail and eCommerce sectors.


What is Amazon's current position?

亚马逊的销售总额包括萨尔他们自己的产品es, sales from their marketplace, as well as fees from marketplace, advertising and revenue from their Amazon Web Services. Amazon ranks 1st in the 2022 Digital Commerce 360 Top 1000 database.


亚马逊’s revenue in 2022 for the 12-month period ending September 30, 2022 was $502.191 billion. It marked a 9.66% increase year-over-year. Their annual revenue for 2021 was $469.822 billion, a 21.7% increase.


To access you Amazon Retail Sales reports, follow these steps:

  • 登录您的卖方中央帐户
  • 单击报告
  • Click on Fulfillment
  • Select Sales and All Orders
  • 您可以在这里看到您的订单数据
  • 如果需要,请单击选定期间的下载

How successful is Amazon today?

