
Small and Medium brands
from $0
Small and Medium brands
from $0


The timing of Advowire’s launch in early 2015 coincided with influencer marketing’s arrival into the mainstream. It’s the kind of timing that could give the appearance of a product that’s trying to cash in on the latest trend, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

For one thing, Advowire was created by HireInfluence, a full service digital marketing firm founded in 2011. Since day one, they’ve used influencer marketing to execute on the content creation strategies they design for their clients. And with clients like Gatorade, Oreo, Southwest Airlines, and Warner Bros., it’s safe to say they’d already staked their claim in the IM landscape. Advowire isn’t the result of a company jumping into influencer marketing trying to get a piece of the pie. It’s the product of a company that’s already baked that pie successfully and now wants to serve it a la mode.

还有的问题这个事实:HireInfluence hasn’t done a single bit of marketing for its platform since its inception. Instead, they slowly built the platform, encouraging influencers they’ve worked with to come on board and let of word of mouth take it from there. This toes-in-the-water approach has allowed them to tweak, improve, and refine Advowire into its current incarnation: a self-service marketing platform that gives empowers creators as much as brands to find success with influencer marketing.

Campaign templates to promote events takes influencer marketing into the IRL realm
Twitter Blast功能使品牌列出了高价值Twitter帐户的内容,以$ 10共享
Free Trial and Starter Plans are the perfect entry points for small businesses
Campaign reporting is next to nil
最适合:Small and Medium brands
Ease of Use
Overall Score

Summary: Quick Jump Menu


Advowire’s creator community consists of influencers who opt-in to the platform and create profiles and media kits for themselves. Creators pay nothing to access the platform, nor do they pay any commissions or fees on any income they generate.


  • First time message to an influencer, 2 credits
  • Create post on Opportunity Board, 10 credits
  • 推广和广播活动,10个学分
  • Twitter上的影响者活动,每个内容共享12个学分

We’ll get into specifics about each of these features in a bit, but now you have context for the plan descriptions that follow:

  • Basic (Free)



Advowire dashboard

  • Premium ($99.99/month)



  • Professional ($499.99/mo)

Includes 525 credits, Premium Features, plus access to the Influencer Search Engine


  • 代理商($ 1,399.99/mo)

包括1,500个学分,专业功能以及Twitter Blast广告系列

推特Blast Campaigns are a quick way to get out a timely message to as wide an audience as possible. Brands create their own tweets and make them available to creators to share (only creators with more than 5,000 validated Twitter followers can participate). Every time a creator shares the tweet, the brand pays 12 credits (and on the flip side, the creator gets $10).

The Details

You can probably tell just by reading the plan descriptions that Advowire’s got a unique approach to the marketplace idea. The idea behind the low budget Premium plan is an intriguing one: $100 a month should fit into just about any budget, and the lack of search functionality doesn’t necessarily feel like a disadvantage. At this level of service, it’s safe to say subscribers aren’t large marketing departments devoting time to researching brand ambassadors and the like. For smaller companies looking to outsource content creation, they’ve now got an affordable option. Without the search function, their best bet is to use the Advowire’s Opportunity Board to solicit for content pitches. The Event Promotion tool is also a great one to supplement their “In Real Life” marketing efforts.

Advowire offers

It’s also in the Premium plan where Advowire’s flaws become magnified. A business’s other option for content is shopping the Marketplace, where creators can try and sell articles and images they’ve already created. If a business were to find something they like and buy it, they’d pay in credits at a price set by the creator, who receives actual money on her end. But no business will buy anything on the Marketplace. At least not as it stands now, with only 55 pieces of content available at the time of this writing—all of which are underwhelming, to put it politely. And scrolling through the Content Stream, essentially a social media news feed of posts by Advowire creators, is too cumbersome an experience. You can filter buy social channel and vertical, but that’s where it ends. The stream is limited to the platform’s “Elite” creators, those who’ve been screened by actual humans at Advowire and meet certain requirements. But going through the stream, there’s no way to tell if you’re looking at a post that’s getting engagement or what kind of a reach its creator has without drilling down into her profile and taking a closer look. Once in the profile, you can glean some valuable insights into their social reach—information that would be right at home in a pop-up overlay from the main page.

Once you’re on the Professional plan, though, it’s easy to overlook these two items. Of course, there’s access to the search function, so you can explicitly find influencers through a combination of criteria. Here you can narrow your results by targeting creators with a specific reach, location, vertical, keyword, and hashtag. There are a handful of demographic data points you can search against, but these apply to the creator and not her audience—the one drawback of Advowire’s search engine. Sure, it’s useful to be able to search for influencers by their age or gender, but ultimately the marketer’s target is an influencer’s audience. The interface for the search (and everything, really) is clean and easy to understand, while the platform makes it simple to organise creators into groups and keep track of all your communications.

包括的管理工具更旨在处理影响者关系的求爱阶段 - 竞选管理或报告的方式不多。您必须依靠从每个社交渠道获得的工具和见解。作为一个市场,目标不是真正分析性能,而是要提供内容,这是市场平台包括一种至少衡量基本指标的方法变得越来越普遍。188滚球地址好消息是Advowire正在测试一个解决此问题的更新,并计划在2017年中期发布。

不过,缺乏报告对Twitter Blast广告系列并不成立,这是因为您在使用股票时本质上支付了股票。当然,您将想看看自己的钱。我在定价部分简要介绍了它,但值得在这里详细介绍,因为这是一个很酷的功能。在有影响力的方面,该程序称为Twit-earn,因为这是影响者赚钱的快速简便方法。那些在Twitter上拥有5,000多名经过验证的追随者的创作者将能够看到寻找股票的广告系列清单。然后,他们可以选择共享预先制作的推文,并获得10美元的努力。为了防止虐待,创作者只能为特定广告系列共享一次链接,并且必须等待12个小时才能分享其他活动。这种格式的结果是有希望的。


This is actual reporting from a recent campaign. You can see that in three days, just 10 people shared the tweet, but that resulted in an audience of nearly 800,000 people. These 10 shares garnered 61 total engagements—not a huge number, but it isn’t like brands need to put a lot of work into the content for a Twitter Blast. It’s called a blast for a reason—the action is a quick one-off, meant to be a part of a larger campaign. And bottom line: the brand in this example spent about $111 dollars to reach 800,000 people.


Despite some of its shortcomings, Advowire has too much going for it to ignore. Yes, there are some features (like performance reporting) that plenty of other competitors have. But there are also some features—Twitter Blasts, Event Promotion—that no other competitors have. It’s also the first marketplace I’ve seen that’s figured out a way to let small businesses in on the influencer party. That deserves mention, because anyone can replicate a feature. I’m always more impressed with innovation.

Advowire conference

与所有软件一样,这决不是一个结束ed a product. Updates and improvements are always on their way, with some new features slated for release this month that will further refine the chat and offer/hiring process. With performance reporting in the offing, as well, Advowire’s biggest concern at the moment is getting more talent and brands on to the platform.

这也肯定会发生,因为他们打破了对营销的自我罢工。在本月发布了所有新功能之后,他们终于将为平台提供应有的推动力。无论您是品牌还是创造者,您都将从Advowire的产品中受益 - 只有在人们出现在买卖时,市场才能成功。我建议您停下来检查一下。

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Small and Medium brands
from $0
Small and Medium brands
from $0