5 Things That Every Influencer Should Have in Their Media Kit

If you’re an influencer looking to collaborate with brands, it’s imperative that you have a media kit. What is a media kit, you might ask? Think of it as lovechild between a portfolio and resume - only it’s for influencers. This document is your opportunity to showcase the analytics and demographics of your platform to interested partners.

Before you dismiss the need to create one or insist you don’t have a large enough audience, pump the breaks. In today’s growing world of micro-influencers, there’s important niche information to be shared that’s appealing to brands — no matter how large or small your audience may be.

Regardless of if you’re pitching a big-budget idea to a global brand or simply trying to collaborate with a local boutique you’ve always loved, you always want to put your best foot forward when you position yourself to potential partners- just like if you were applying for a job! So here are a few key details every influencer should include in their media kit in order to do just that.

5 Things That Every Influencer Should Have in Their Media Kit:

1. Analytics


Let’s talk numbers. Brands are going to want to know how many followers you have on every social platform in order to know what kind of reach they can expect should they decide to work with you. Additionally, they’re going to want to know things like: How many page views does your site get monthly? How many of those are unique views? What’s the average time spent on your site? What is your average engagement rate on your social media posts? While you certainly don’t have to include every statistic, you do want to include the basics. Spend some time digging into your Google Analytics to discover what’s working well for you. Perhaps you don’t get as many monthly views as most influencers, but you have an amazingly low bounce rate. Be sure to highlight that, or any other data that shows your strengths.

2. Audience Insights

数字不是一切!品牌是戈因g to want to know who is behind those figures. Once again, Google Analytics (as well as Facebook/ Instagram insights) can tell you so much about the people who are following you. Showcase the percentage of your Male + Female followers so brands trying to hone in on a specific gender know if you’re the right fit to reach their target audience. Additionally, you’ll want to showcase the average age bracket your audience best represents, as wells which locations (both cities and countries!) The more specific you can get with this information- the better. Brands are constantly looking to hone in on very specific target audiences when they create a brief for any given campaign, so give them a very clear understanding of not just your largest audience, but all the secondary audiences who follow you.

3. Offerings

No two influencers are created equal, so be sure to highlight what your offerings include. Brands won’t assume you’re capable of creating written blog posts, photos AND video content unless you break those services out clearly. Again, the more specific you can be- the better! Don’t just throw a blanket statement across a diverse platform like Instagram… break out all of your offerings on that specific platform (dedicated posts vs. stories vs. IGTV, etc). Should you want to provide rates for your services, this is the place to do so. This certainly isn’t necessary, but if you’re wanting some flexibility you can always list starting prices, which imply you’ll negotiate based on the requested deliverables.

4. Photos + past works

分手,与一些视觉我复制和数据nspiration. Select a few photos that you feel showcase what kind of content you’re capable of creating and include them in your media kit design. These shouldn’t just be your favorites, but also ones that do a good job of representing you and everything your brand stands for. Another great way to showcase your past work and provide some visual variety is to include logos of brands you’ve partnered with in the past. Not only does this provide you with additional credibility, it gives brands an even greater sense of who your audience is and what like-minded purchase patterns they may make.

5. Strategic bio + Contact Information

While everything mentioned up until now is certainly important, your bio may be the most crucial part of your entire media kit. This section is your opportunity to tell your story— whatever that may be. Perhaps you were once a nurse who always had a passion for style and thus, your blog was born. Or maybe you have an incredibly impressive background in PR that shows brands you have way more to offer than merely large numbers. Whatever lead you to where you are today, this is what sets you apart from other influencers. While you should still keep this section succinct (it’s a bio, not an autobiography!) don’t miss an opportunity to give your brand some personalization. It’s also a great place to include your mission statement or keywords that describe what your platform focuses on. This helps brands have a clear understanding of what kind of content your audience expects you to produce to ensure a partnership would be an organic fit.

At the end of the day, make sure your media kit is a fair representation of who you are. Don’t leave out interesting information that sets you apart, but also, don’t be misleading with the way you spin your data or sell yourself. Your media kit should make brands feel like they just went for a coffee with you, not that they’ve interviewed a robot or been catfish-ed by an imposter!

And most importantly? Have fun with it! There are no rules about the design style you choose or which information comes first. Trust your gut and create a document that you feel proud of. If you’re not savvy with graphic design, hire someone you trust can do the job well and convey your vision brilliantly.

One final piece of advice: remember this is a living, breathing document. As industry trends change, along with your numbers and audience size, be sure this stays up to date every few months to avoid selling yourself on a basis that’s no longer relevant.


Jason Pampell

Jason Pampell is CEO and Founder at HireInfluence.com, a 'white-glove' influencer marketing agency with offices in NY, LA and Houston. Since 2011, HireInfluence has delivered innovative campaigns with industry-leading results for the world's most prominent brands. The agency is recognized as an elite service provider, with an offering that includes influencer casting, strategy development, on-site engagement support, experiential project management and expert consultation.
