WhatsApp Statistics: Users, Revenue, Message Volume and More

If you’re one of those who thought that WhatsApp was only meant for instant messaging your friends and maybe your family, you would be very much mistaken. Thanks to new functionality being rolled out, it’s now also turning into a useful tool that businesses can use to connect with their potential customers and vice versa.

Also, if you didn’t know it, WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook for 19 billion US dollars. This already happened in 2014. So, it’s not new news. However, more interestingly, thanks to the profits that Jan Koum, the founder of WhatsApp, made with this deal, he’s currently one of the richest social media billionaires across the globe. For the really interesting statistics about its revenue, message volume, and demographics, be sure to continue reading.


1. There Are 5.22 Billion Unique Mobile Phone Users Across the World

为了将我们将在本文中列出的许多统计数据的角度来看,这里有一个数字要保持脑海。截至2021年1月,5.22 billionunique mobile phone users across the world, according to data shared by Hootsuite in its Digital 2021 Global Overview Report. This works out to two thirds of the global population. It’s up by1.8%(9300万用户)从2020年开始。

在52.2亿手机用户中,几乎所有人(96.6%) owned a smartphone.


16至64岁的互联网用户使用Internet的主要原因是获取信息。几乎two thirdsof users across the world indicated that this was their primary reason for surfing the web.


3. WhatsApp Has 2 Billion Monthly Active Users


According to data shared by Statista, at the end of July 2021, WhatsApp boasted20亿monthly active users across the globe, making it the most popular global mobile messenger app. Basically, in a span of five years, itdoubled它的每月活跃用户,比获得首个十亿所花费的速度要快得多。根据Statista共享的图表,whatsapp8.5 years每月活跃用户达到十亿。

In second position, it was Facebook Messenger with 1.3 billion monthly active users and WeChat came in close third with just over 1.2 billion monthly active users.


4. India Has the Most WhatsApp Users



Indonesia has the third most number of WhatsApp users (84.8 million), while the United States was only in the fourth spot with 79.6 million.

5. 2020年,最多的应用下载次数来自印度

The most number of WhatsApp mobile app downloads in 2020 across the globe came from India. In 2021, this trend continued and in Q1 2021, India was once again leading the way with over18 million通过Google Play下载。总共,在本季度,WhatsApp应用程序在全球范围内下载了7540万次,这意味着印度几乎占下载量的24%。

6. France Has the Highest Growth of WhatsApp Downloads

While France might not have the highest number of downloads in the first quarter of 2021, the growth rate deserves special mention. As of Q1 2021, France boasted the fastest-growing WhatsApp market. According to data shared by Statista, WhatsApp downloads from the Apple App Store for this region increased by38.8%与第四季度2020相比。



According to data from GlobalWebIndex (GWI), as of Q3 2020, it was used by more men than women. Just超过50%它的用户是男性。女性用户仅占其总用户群的45.5%。

8. 2020年每天发送约1000亿条消息

在2020年10月底,WhatsApp负责人威尔·卡斯卡特(Will Cathcart)在一条推文中透露,在过去的一年中,他们的服务或多或少提供了1000亿messages per day.


越来越多的人正在使用WhatsApp提供的语音和视频通话功能。根据公司数据,在2020年3月,用户平均支出超过15 billion minutes每天通过whatsapp呼叫说话。


10. The Average Time Spent Per User Is Nearly 20 Hours Per Month

根据App Annie收集的数据,用户在WhatsApp上花费的平均时间是19.4 hoursper month in 2020, while it was 9.3 hours for WhatsApp Business for the same period (if you don’t know what WhatsApp Business is, jump to statistic #18 on our list or our FAQ section at the end). To put this in perspective, only 2.7 hours were spent on Facebook Messenger per month per user.

11. It’s Expected That There Will Be Over 85 Million US Users in 2023

2019年,超过6800万美国手机用户使用WhatsApp。根据Statista共享的数据,预计该数字将是85.8 millionusers by 2023.

如前所述,这可能令人惊讶,但美国没有大多数WhatsApp用户。虽然有数百万的美国用户,但当涉及到我们的受众范围时,它落后于Facebook Messenger和Snapchat。Facebook Messenger可以触及57%among US mobile users, while Snapchat has a reach of 24.6%.

12. It’s One of the Most Important Apps for US Users

In the majority of countries, Facebook and Google own more than half of the top 10 most important apps, a report that AudienceProject completed reveals. According to AudienceProject Insights 2020, Facebook is the app that Americans can least do without on their mobile phone. WhatsApp was identified as only the8日最重要的应用截至2020年第3季度和Facebook Messenger是第十个最重要的应用程序。

Though, Snapchat is more popular than WhatsApp among US mobile users younger than 26. It was listed as the third most important app (after Instagram and YouTube). WhatsApp didn’t even make the Top 5 list of most important apps for this age group.

On the other hand, British mobile users younger than 26 prefer WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger over Snapchat.


While WhatsApp is one of the most important apps to people in the United States, a study that was completed in the third quarter of 2020 revealed that16%of users in the US have considered leaving WhatsApp. The biggest chunk (45%) considered leaving Facebook, while about a third considered giving up Snapchat.


On the other hand, according to numbers for Q3 2020, WhatsApp is the most important app among British mobile users. Almost a quarter (24%)表示,这是他们至少可以在手机上执行的应用程序。Facebook Messenger只是第四个最重要的应用程序。

While GlobalWebIndex’s data indicated that more men used the messenger service than women, WhatsApp is slightly more important to British women than men. A quarter of women identified it as their most important app compared to 21% of men.

15. It’s the Most Important App Among German and Finnish Users of All Age Groups



关于芬兰用户,应用程序之间的竞争更加接近。仅有的47%表明这是他们最重要的应用程序。与德国用户不同,Snapchat和Facebook Messenger对芬兰用户也很重要,但不如WhatsApp重要。话虽这么说,WhatsApp的受欢迎程度远远超过15%在芬兰使用者中,五年来,尽管Snapchat的受欢迎程度仅增长了5%。因此,根据自2016年以来的这种增长率,可以肯定地说,WhatsApp与其他Messenger服务之间的差距只会在芬兰增加。


While WhatsApp is popular in many countries across Europe, it doesn’t really feature in Scandinavian countries. In Denmark, Facebook Messenger and Snapchat were identified as the go-to tools for instant messaging, while WhatsApp didn’t even make it to the top 10 list. To put it in perspective,60%Danes每天使用Snapchat,而每天不到三分之一(26%)使用WhatsApp。

In Norway, the picture looks almost identical. However, here Snapchat is more important than Facebook Messenger. More than 70% (74%) of Norwegians indicated that they use Snapchat daily. On the other hand, only 38% of Norwegians use WhatsApp on a daily basis.

在瑞典,Facebook Messenger和Snapchat也是首选的Messenger应用程序。但是,有4%的人表明WhatsApp是他们2020年的第十个最重要的应用程序。它从前两年中将榜单降到了一个位置。因此,很有可能在未来几年中,它将不再是瑞典人没有运行的应用程序之一。

In 2020, just over40%瑞典人表明他们每天使用WhatsApp。大多数(78%)每周至少使用一次。


All in all, irrespective of the demographics or its users, WhatsApp is the messenger app that received the most downloads in recent months globally. Based on figures shared by Appfigures, WhatsApp was the most-downloaded messenger app across the globe in August 2021. It was downloaded almost40 million时代!下载最多的(2900万)是通过Google Play,只有1000万下载通过iOS App Store即可。

其次是Snapchat(3400万下载),Facebook Messenger(2700万下载)和Telegram Messenger(2700万下载)。

The top three most-downloaded apps were all social media apps: Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.

18. WhatsApp Business Has 50 Million Users

Many might not know it, but WhatsApp also has a tool for businesses to communicate with their customers - WhatsApp Business. According to Facebook’s latest available data shared in January 2021, it boasted50 millionusers.

它于2018年1月推出,目的是帮助小型企业与客户建立联系。该应用程序的好处之一是,如果您使用单独的业务电话号码,则可以在同一移动设备上同时安装WhatsApp Messenger(供个人使用)和WhatsApp Business安装,但使用单独的数字进行注册。企业还可以使用它来创建列出其业务网站,地址和其他联系方式的个人资料。此外,企业甚至可以将此应用程序与座机电话号码一起使用,其客户可以在该号码上向其发送信息。除这些额外功能外,WhatsApp业务还提供WhatsApp Messenger所具有的所有其他功能。

With regards to downloads, in September 2021, the app was downloaded1600万根据传感器塔的说法。根据AppFigures,下载次数甚至更高2200万downloads just for that month. In July, it was also the first time that the WhatsApp Business app made the Top Apps by Downloads list, by squeezing in at position number 9, just ahead of CapCut.

19. 175 Million People WhatsApp a Business Account Daily

Will Cathcart, the Head of WhatsApp, tweeted on January 8, 2021, that more or less175 million人们每天向业务帐户发送消息。这个数字显示了向企业发送WhatsApp消息在几个国家 /地区的普遍实践。


如果您不知道,WhatsApp也有一个网站,可以通过Mac或Windows PC访问。实际上是Top 20 most-visited网站。根据Semrush的说法,它是第19个最受欢迎的网站,而SameWeb将其置于第14位。


在查看人们在2020年通过Google搜索的最常见查询时,WhatsApp被列为第13个最常见的搜索query. As a matter of fact, it was searched more often than Gmail, Twitter, and Hotmail, according to Google Trends.

更重要的是,it enjoyed ayear-on-year increaseof 72%. Of all the top 20 search queries, only the word “corona” had a higher year-on-year increase.

22. It Has a Shopping Feature

Another feature that many might not know about is Carts. Launched in December 2020, it’s useful for when you need to message a business that usually sells multiple items together, while making it easier for businesses to track inquiries and manage sales. In short, this feature lets people browse a catalog, pick a number of products and then message it as a single order to the business.



Nevertheless, according to the findings of a broad global survey of internet users aged 16 to 64, athirdindicated that they have concerns that their personal data online might be misused by companies. It was the highest among Portuguese users (53.9%), followed by Spanish users (53.4%).

关于年龄段,这是老年用户的问题超过40%of global internet users older than 55 indicating that they’re worried about how companies use their personal data.


While WhatsApp’s changes to its privacy policy earlier this year might have caused some to rethink whether or not they should upgrade their app, it’s clear from looking at these statistics that it remains one of the most powerful and popular apps across the globe. As a matter of fact, many have ranked it as the most important app on their mobile device – right up there with the likes of Gmail, Instagram, and Facebook.

If these statistics still don’t convince you, the fact that it made international headlines when the app was down for a couple of hours earlier in October should. It just shows you how the entire world has grown dependent on WhatsApp to communicate with friends, family, and even co-workers.


比Facebook Messenger多使用WhatsApp吗?

WhatsApp是最受欢迎的全球移动Messenger应用程序。据报道,在2021年7月底,它的每月活跃用户有20亿。另一方面,Facebook Messenger每月只有13亿个活跃用户。Facebook Messenger可能只花了4。9年才能获得其首个每月活跃用户的首个活跃用户(与WhatsApp达到这一壮举所花费的8。5年相比),但是WhatsApp在记录其第一个亿美元之后的增长速度更快。

Which country has the most WhatsApp users?

这可能令人惊讶,但大多数WhatsApp用户来自印度。截至2021年6月,据估计超过4.87亿印度的WhatsApp用户。Brazil has the second most number of users, while Indonesia has the third most number of users. The most number of WhatsApp mobile app downloads in 2020 across the globe also came from India. In 2021, this trend continued and in Q1 2021, India was once again leading the way with regards to app downloads.

How often do people use WhatsApp?

A lot! It’s estimated that the average time spent on WhatsApp was 19.4 hours per month in 2020 (for WhatsApp Business this was 9.3 hours). If you break it down to message volume and minutes, according to company data, in 2020, more or less 100 billion messages were sent every day. With regards to its voice and video calling feature, users spent over 15 billion minutes talking each day by means of WhatsApp calls during the peak of the pandemic.

Is WhatsApp popular in the United States?

美国实际上并不拥有最WhatsApp users. As of June 2021, it had only 79.6 million users. That being said, US users have identified it as their 8th most important app (it’s more important to them than Facebook Messenger). However, US mobile users younger than 26 still prefer Snapchat. Also, 16% of US WhatsApp users have considered leaving the service.

What is WhatsApp Business?

WhatsApp业务是企业与客户进行交流的工具。它于2018年1月推出,提供了WhatsApp Messenger提供的所有功能以及一些额外的功能。例如,如果您使用单独的业务电话号码,则可以在同一移动设备上同时安装WhatsApp Messenger(供个人使用)和WhatsApp Business安装,但可以使用单独的数字进行注册。此外,企业甚至可以将此应用程序与座机电话号码一起使用,其客户可以在该号码上向其发送信息。
