
Best for:
从$ 240起
Best for:
从$ 240起



当然,答案是数据,还有很多。CandyTech创建了自己的软件平台来挖掘和分析Facebook API所允许的数据。该工具运行得很好,以至于他们给它起了一个名字(Facebakers),并将其作为独立产品出售,以补充他们的代理工作。值得庆幸的是,当社交媒体巨头决定拥有“ face”一词时,他们被迫停止并停止使用该名称。他们将该软件重新命名为社交制造商,这只是一个客观上更好的名字,并这样做有助于将他们定位为未来的扩展。在2010年,Twitter只是刚刚起步,Instagram甚至还没有启动,但是社交制片人从一开始就做得很好。

Over time, the software kept evolving. In addition to the foundation of analytics and statistics on which the platform’s success was built, Socialbakers added more features around managing social media presence with content curation and schedulers, as well as spurring engagement insights aimed at helping brands engage with their audiences and nurture customer loyalty.

虽然他们很早就参加社交媒体游戏,但社交制片人迟到了几年,到达了有影响力的营销,并于2018年5月推出了新的特定影响者的工具。对于他们的现有客户,这似乎是一个漫长的等待 - influenc金博宝188备用网址er Marketing正式成为2016年的“热潮” - 但对他们来说,必须延迟2年以上。在IM平台几乎在各地发芽以利用新趋势188滚球地址时,社交制片人退后一步,专注于创造品质。在社交制造商开发新功能的同188滚球地址时,启动了数十个IM平台。这些同一平台已经被社交制片人所丧命。188滚球地址正如您在这篇评论中看到的那样,要使事情放慢并做对了,这是一个回报。

Pros and Cons
Costly if all you want is the influencer tools



SocialBakers为客户提供了几种不同的计划,但是有影响力的营销工具仅在顶级服务中可用。金博宝188备用网址这篇评论仅集中在该平台上。We’re still including the other tiers in this pricing section, but we’re going to let Socialbakers’s reputation precede them on that front: it’s a top-notch social marketing suite competing with the likes of Sprout Social or Hootsuite, and already in use by huge brands like Toyota, McDonald’s, ASUS, and Jägermeister.

  • 必不可少的价格,$ 240/mo(每年$ 200/mo账单) -直接提供5个用户和10个社交资料的社交媒体营销和管理。包括内容管理,调度和发布,分析和移动应用程序,用于访问旅途中的所有这些功能。
  • Smart, priced on request-上述20用户和30的社会profiles, plus: Sentiment Analysis, Approval Workflow, Community Management, and Custom Dashboards.
  • 规模,根据要求定价-以上所有内容供无限用户和多达100个社交资料金博宝188备用网址
  • 集成360,根据要求定价-For those managing 100 or more social profiles, this plan offers all features, plus access to “a holistic 360 view of your digital marketing.”


如果您浏览了定价部分,并注意到其中的一个功能营销角色映射并想知道“这是如何工作的?” - 好吧,您很幸运。那就是我们开始的地方。

角色映射不是社交制造商的创建,而是创造了可能是最简单,最有效的方法。对于那些不知道的人,角色映射是一种经过时间测试的技术,它定义了品牌的典型客户基于对人口统计和心理信息的分析。For example, the average consumer interested in purchasing 100-mile long walls tends to be white, male, in his 70’s, earns more than $400k per year, prefers Twitter over other social platforms, enjoys golf, and is President of the United States of America. Even with loads of social data available through analytics platforms, organising all that data可能是一个非常费力的过程




Much of the rest of Socialbakers’s influencer features fall in line—or jump way past it—with where you’d expect a quality platform to be. It says something about the platform as a whole that viewing influencer profiles is both fairly in-depth and also a little disappointing. You’ll get info on their follower count, engagement, frequently used hashtags, a gallery of recent content, and mentions (both who they mentioned and who’s mentioning them).

从个人资料视图来看,将它们添加到“集合”(您对您的任何方式分类的有影响力列表)中也很容易,并且可以保留有关团队所有成员的注释。What’s disappointing about the profile view is that in order to get at the deep data that Socialbakers indexes and analyses, you’ll have to add their profile as one to monitor (counting against your social profile limit that’s determined by whatever plan you’re on). It’s easy enough to add the profile, gather whatever intelligence you need (like more in-depth engagement and audience analyses), and then remove it from your monitored accounts—why not just let customers view that data right there without going through the extra step?


Just as valuable as finding influencers who you’ve not yet connected with is Socialbakers ability to help identify influencers (or potential influencers) within your own audience. Again, this ties back to the large amounts of data you’ll get out of monitoring your own profile by identifying those of your followers who are actively creating content on your brands behalf. Not all of them will be influencers you paid for, they just be regular people who love your brand. If they’ve got a fair amount of followers, these are relationships you can nurture to mutual benefit.


Finally, it should go without saying the analytics portion of Socialbakers is second to none. This is a company that built its success (and raised over $30m in funding over the years) on the strength of its data and stats, and those do not disappoint here. From the reporting that you get out of campaigns, to the intel you’ll get out of monitoring competitor profiles, you’ll get easy to digest—and highly actionable—insights which, in the right hands, can help you refine your campaigns and social efforts with ever more success the longer you use it.


A rose by any other name still smells as sweet. And Socialbakers (formerly Facebakers [formerly Candytech]) has been on an upward trajectory pretty much since Day One of operations. Regardless of its name, the software and the company’s mission has remained consistent since 2009.

As social media marketing has evolved, Socialbakers has been there every step of the way. They were among the first to recognise the value of a brand’s social media presence, and their approach 10 years ago is the standard for most brands today. Social media marketing isn’t about the quick sale, or a one-off ad. It’s a long-term investment, one that can be slow to catch on, but pays back in spades when it does. That’s because, done right, social media marketing is about creating a dialogue between brand and consumer. Influencers are often the middlemen and middlewomen mediating that conversation, and Socialbakers seems to understand this at an intuitive level. Marketing over social media isn’t about how many sales you can create—not at first, anyway. It’s about creating authentic connection with an audience, creating loyalty without a sale, and trusting that that loyalty will pay off in the long run.

That’s a big proposition for an advertising budget, but there’s a reason that nobody’s talking about the value of a print or television ad anymore. That’s because there’s only so far you can go with it. Socialbakers has understood this since its inception, and that commitment to a particular vision of marketing has worked out as well for them as it has for their clients. It certainly helps that this platform was created by an agency seeking the same kind of results they’re offering to users of their software. They clearly know marketing, they clearly understand the vaue of data, and you clearly need to give this platform a try.

Best for:
从$ 240起
Best for:
从$ 240起