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他们得到了一些新闻界,一些早期的牵引力,然后从5位不同的投资者那里获得了一百万个半的资金。那是在2014年6月,到当年8月,他们在YouTube上庆祝了他们第1000个品牌视频的里程碑。那些前一千个视频将$ 250,000的创造者带入了创作者的口袋里。到2015年3月,Famebit吹捧它已达到3亿订户。在这里,订户是签名为品牌或营销人员寻找影响者的人。他们的网站将佳能,索尼和阿迪达斯等公司列为与之合作的品牌。这是一个令人印象深刻的公司历史。








任何这样的影响者市场的核心都应该是一个广泛的影响者数据库,并且可以找到许多找到它们的方法。不过,Famebit更加依赖有影响力的人找到品牌。When a brand first logs in, they’re prompted to get started and create a campaign, then sit back and wait for the proposals to roll in. But on a platform with over 56,000 creators to choose from, surely brands will want to survey the landscape a little and see who’s out there. Unfortunately, searching for influencers only shines a light on FameBit’s weaknesses.

BrandConnect(以前是名人)how to find influencer


  • 所有创作者与特色创作者, with no explanation of what it takes to be featured.
  • Reach,带有滑块允许您定义1,000至100,000,000之间的任何范围。最小覆盖范围是1000个关注者很奇怪,因为创建者的最低要求为5,000。
  • Audience Gender
  • 观众年龄, where you can select “Any Age,” or choose from several different age ranges (18-24, 25-34, etc.). You can only select one age range at a time.
  • 听众国家
  • 创造者的国家
  • 频道类别,这意味着诸如“健康与健身”或“游戏与应用程序”之类的垂直领域。只有5个类别可供选择,再加上“其他”的选项。



And if you wanted to find a creator with a big following on Instagram? You won’t. Creators can link up to four different social accounts: Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and YouTube. Instagram used to be possible, but not since they implemented tighter restrictions around the API (basically, the “key” developers need to get into and integrate with Instagram). FameBit’s support microsite explains it this way:


Here’s the change to how creators can connect: they can’t. And here’s the change to the way they can work with brands on Instagram opportunities: let brands know in your proposal that you also have an Instagram account with X followers. The thing is, Instagram announced these changes in November, 2015, and they went into effect in June of 2016. Many other influencer marketing platforms, recognising the value of Instagram, took that time to adapt to the changes, or even become Instagram Partners. FameBit has not, nor is it saying it ever will. That’s kind of a big deal.

然后还有创作者本身的问题。除了最低限度的追随者要求访问该平台之外,似乎没有任何审查或质量控制。对于我的第一次搜索,寻找健康与美容类别中的微型影响者,前两个结果向我介绍了两个年轻女性,她们的YouTube饲料(嵌入了他们的名人配置文件中)具有带有标题的视频,例如“肛门Q&A”,“ Anal Q&a”,“如何达到性高潮。”我完善了自己的搜索以围绕其他类别进行查看,并发现了令人愉悦的阴谋理论家“揭露撒旦世界政府”。由于搜索标准是如此含糊,因此找到有才华的人和专业人士表现出色的人需要大量的反复试验。它们确实存在于平台上,但找到它们的最佳方法可能是发布一个广告系列,让他们来找您。


如果您的耐心得到一些可行的潜在客户的奖励,并且您就达成协议达成协议,那么您至少可以采用Famebit的强大诉讼:其管理工具。在大多数情况下,他们在竞选管理方面做得很好。Communications between brands and influencers is neatly organised according to what stage of involvement you’re at: Proposals, In Production, Pending Approval, etc. Collaborating on content, reviewing and annotating, as well as requesting revisions, is all there and easy to find from each campaign’s dashboard. Perhaps the best feature is that when you add a creator to a campaign with a specific project, FameBit generates an individualised trackable link. This can be used along with the content to direct viewers over to a product page for a purchase, or a social page for a follow, or any other action/goal you’ve set for the campaign. This makes it easy to see exactly how each influencer’s content performed.


但是,即使在某些领域也缺乏管理工具,这有助于尚未完成的整体软件感觉。无法维护您可能有兴趣合作的影响者列表。从创建者的个人资料或搜索结果中,您可以选择向他们发送邀请,从而将其保存以供以后保存。但这也向创建者发送了一条消息,告诉他们您想在广告系列中与他们合作 - 您根本无法维护以后的审查列表。也没有任何实施FTC合规性的机制,这对我们的品牌/广告系列来说是合法性的。有一个非常具体的规则,负责赞助帖子必须如何披露其有薪性质,而这些规则之后的品牌和影响者可能会面临惩罚。Famebit知识基础上有一篇冗长的文章,建议品牌就此提供建议,但是他们提供的解决方案是建议每个人之间进行交谈,并弄清楚他们将如何保持合法。


“Honestly, I don’t see FameBit sticking around for the long-term.”

这些词开始t的结论his review when it was first published in 2017. And we were right! Sort of. FameBit is gone, and not just by virtue of its acquisition by Google.

“Unless they radically reinvent themselves, or flesh out the platform so that it’s at least competitive with similar services on the market, there’s nowhere for FameBit to go but home.”

We nailed it again! Google/YouTube has radically reinvented the platform and turned it into Not-A-Platform. It’s a service offering now, with YouTube’s team putting brands in contact with the more popular and relevant YouTubers around, and finding effective advertising opportunities wherever they may be. They’ve also added a few features to make purchasing easier directly from YouTube. All told this sounds like an improvement, which is the one thing we didn’t predict would happen after five years. It’s absolutely worth trying out, if the price is right, as YouTube is still the #1 social video platform.

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