
Services Offered:搜索/发现自动招聘Influencer Marketplace内容评论内容库Campaign Management竞选报告Influencer AnalysisAudience AnalysisE-commerce ToolsProduct/Gifting Tools交付过程


当我们第一次审查Dovetale几年前,我t was still a relatively new platform. Launched in 2017 by founders Mike Schmidt and Navied Shoushtarian, its origins can be traced back to the pair’s previous ventures. Schmidt and Shoushtarian already had one successful startup under their belts, creating Listn, which they then sold to Beatport. During their time building and growing Listn, they were introduced to influencer marketing as an effective, low cost way of spreading the word about their product. The experience left them intrigued by IM’s potential, but also a little frustrated with its reality.

Influencer marketing had yet to go mainstream at that point, and the software that did exist to streamline the process was too expensive for small businesses. That didn’t really make sense to them: influencer marketing itself had the potential to be incredibly democratising. The idea of everyday people partnering with businesses to promote them, and the fact that it was incredibly effective, should have opened up entirely new marketing avenues to the kinds of businesses that couldn’t afford to reach millions of people otherwise. It didn’t seem right that only big businesses had access to software tools that not only let them manage all the moving parts, but let them do it in more targeted, data-driven ways.


No in-app messaging with influencers
Ease of Use
Overall Score



The first sign of Dovetale’s e-commerce focus can be found in the pricing options offered. The lowest subscription level is free—all you need to do to get started is connect your Shopify store. This level is a “free forever” situation: it’s not a limited time trial. The limitations are in the features, and this approach lets (and helps) small time/startup Dovetale users grow into paying customers. The plans are as follows:

  • Free, $0/mo (of course) —3个用户可以管理5个社区成员(又名影响者,详细信息中的更多内容),自定义社区注册页面,网站自定义注册小部件,无限制的礼物和会员优惠,会员销售跟踪
  • 增长,$ 50/mo -All of the above for up to 50 Community Members ($1 per additional member), email support
  • Professional, $250/mo —上述所有供10位用户和多达500个社区成员(每位成员$ 0.50)
  • Enterprise, $Custom/mo —Custom everything for multiple stores, with Premium Support

The Details

电子商务的焦点从t十分明显he get-go. Logging in brings you to a dashboard that gives you quick insight into your Dovetale Community. You’ll see stats on the number of members, number of applicants, total affiliate sales, payments to influencers—the kind of high level insight that’s meant as a quick summary of a business’s overall marketing and sales performance. If it’s your first time logging in, you’ll get right to the business of setting up an application page where potential influencers can sign up to work with you. Discovery is always valuable, and it’s always an option within Dovetale, but a passive recruitment tool like this helps bring the talent directly to you even when you’re not actively looking.

Setting up the application page couldn’t be easier—it’s a pretty clear workflow, from adding your logo and the design elements of the application, to specifying the kinds of information you want from your applicants (name, address, PayPal account, etc). For every change or addition you make, you’ll see a real time preview of the resulting web page, in both desktop and mobile form. You can also add a customized survey to the application to make sure you’re finding out the information you want to know, like:你以前买了我们的东西吗?你喜欢它什么?我们能做得更好吗?您为什么要加入我们的社区?

When you start receiving applications, Dovetale makes is incredibly easy to go through them—all the information you asked for in the application is visible, along with their social handle and metrics. Approving or rejecting an applicant is a matter of a few clicks, and you can add in referral and discount codes right then and there so they can get right to promoting you before they’re even active in a specific campaign. The Shopify integration makes this possible, as well as when accepted members can choose their “welcome” package. This is where influencers choose the free product they’d like to have/feature in their social posts. These connect right back to Shopify, with product specific SKUs.

实际上,Dovetale中的赠品功能是其亮点之一。即使是企业层面上的大188滚球地址多数平台,也被认为是“端到端”的,也没有将细节的重视放在影响者营销的这一信息中。金博宝188备用网址物理地址是在申请过程中进行的,因此当某人选择礼物时,该零件都是设置的。赠品不仅仅是欢迎包裹。您可以以有意义的方式将社区成员分组在一起 - 例如,您可能有一个“有影响力的人”小组,例如,有大量追随者,另一个是员工的小组,另一个是家人和朋友的团体 - 然后您可以为每个组定义适当的津贴。当然,这可以做到这一点,也可以在需要的基础上进行,但是定义谁得到令人难以置信的简化过程。接收者方面的一员,他们会看到他们在登录平台时有礼物等待着礼物,这只是声称他们将他们装箱并发货的问题。Meanwhile Dovetale is keeping track of what’s pending, what’s been received, how much you’ve spent, etc. This kind of tool helps small businesses, who don’t have the resources to manage this kind of administrative work, as well as large businesses and agencies, who can easily get overwhelmed by the volume of it.


自从我们上次外观以来,Dovetale的一个重大改进领域是广告系列管理工具。以前,没有多少工具可以管理广告系列,您可以创建它们并监视其性能,但是几乎所有之间的所有工具(例如,费用谈判或内容计划)必须在平台上发生。如今,竞选管理非常精细。对于每个广告系列,都有许多任务可以分配,并且有许多预制(但可自定义的)任务可供选择。有些是行政的 - 验证社会帐户或签署合同,有些是与营销有关的 - 发布社会职位,或者只是创建和上传内容。对于这些任务中的每一个,都提供了具体说明。Beyond that are the standard features of a campaign manager that you’d expect (an accounting of all the influencers participating and where they are in the process, performance of content that’s live, etc.), and it’s all implemented in a well-designed and intuitive way.

有关广告系列的报告是另一个出色的功能。首先,事实是,所有内容(无论是静态照片,视频,Instagram故事还是Tiktok视频)都直接收集并直接保存在平台内。而且,性能报告也非常具体,不仅显示了诸如覆盖范围和参与度之类的内容,而且还提供了诸如用户在观看Instagram故事时采取的操作的详细信息 - 向上和下来,回和向前,退出,退出以及其他行为。对于所有类型的内容,您将获得广告系列的社交媒体价值(Dovetale所谓的媒体价值)。当您将SMV添加到来自社区的销售转换中时,您就开始更接近对ROI的真正了解,而不是大多数平台所能提供的。188滚球地址您可以从报告功能中获得的所有数据都可以导出到自定义的PDF报告。

最后,有发现,这是新鲜空气的呼吸,发现是评论的“最后”一部分。通常,这是在开始时发生的。并不是说Discovery是该平台上的事后想法,而是Dovetale重新思考其平台应该和可以做的事情,这使发现的一部分是更大的过程的一部分。他们在平台的这一方面将相同的周到和彻底性放在了与其他所有方面一样。实际上,搜索功能得到了极大的改进,这说明了一些事情,因为这是我们三年前首次查看它的平台的亮点。该界面是动态且响应迅速的,搜索可以变得非常具体。关键字,提及,主题标签都是可以搜索的,但是可以将每个主题标签筛选并进一步完善。我要再说一遍:eachcriteria can be refined further. You might search for “foodie,” for example, but restrict those results only to when the word appears in usernames or bios. Drilling down into an influencer profile can also get remarkably granular. You can look into their audience metrics, as a whole or broken down by social channel. You can peruse their content and get audience analysis. When you find someone you like, you can add them to a list and send invites to join your Community. And because you’ve already got your community and campaigns set up, the activation process couldn’t be simpler.



It’s been three years since we first checked out Dovetale; back then we found that they did an excellent job of executing on their vision. Somehow, they’ve gone ahead and topped themselves with the latest version. We don’t know what they’ll be up to in another three years, but we’re certain they’ll still be around.

Services Offered:搜索/发现自动招聘Influencer Marketplace内容评论内容库Campaign Management竞选报告Influencer AnalysisAudience AnalysisE-commerce ToolsProduct/Gifting Tools交付过程

