
4.8 out of 5 stars
Best for:
Large Brands, Agencies
On request
4.8 out of 5 stars
Best for:
Large Brands, Agencies
On request

Captiv8 was founded in 2015, and three of its four founders had ties that go back even further than that. In 2008, Krishna Subramanian, Sunil Verma, and Vishal Gurbaxani had their first crack at a digital advertising startup with their company Mobclix. It was essentially an ad exchange for freeware app developers. The iPhone was about a year old and the app store really started to take off and app makers could fund their development this way.

A good idea at the right time, Mobclix proved to be very successful. By 2010, the trio had sold their company to Velti, working their for a time until they wanted to do something new. Influencer marketing didn’t yet have a name when the three of them identified the opportunities that lay ahead on social media—and Instagram in particular. Captiv8 was born, but initially only has a social listening and analytics tool. They were able to amass a huge amount of data on the digital celebrities that started appearing on Instagram, and began shopping the tool to talent agencies around Los Angeles.

这些机构最初是不情愿的,但是随着影响者的营销最终成为他们无法忽视的事情,因此Captiv8金博宝188备用网址可以提供的数据也是如此。该团队首先发起电话的机构,很快Captiv8将其聆听和数据服务提供给世界上30名人才机构中的近80%。威廉·莫里斯(William Morris)和CAA是客户。联合人才机构是一个投资者。不久之后,大型品牌也是他们自己强大的营销部门也想要这些数据的种类。


Along with nearly all the top talent agencies, Captiv8 also boasts an impressive list of brands as its customer base. Honda, Dr. Pepper, Fox, Nissan, and Miller Lite, among others, rely on Captiv8 to power their influencer marketing efforts. It’s no surprise that the team behind this platform got it so right. Their past success—both in identifying an opportunity and executing on it—was fueled by each of the founders backgrounds in digital advertising, not software. The same dynamic is at work here, all of which you can see in the details of Captiv8 (and: The Details, below).

What started as a social listening and analytics tool evolved into a full-featured influencer marketing platform. With API hooks into all the major social channels to complement its social listening abilities, Captiv8 gives its users deep insights into their influencers, their audiences, and marketing strategies.
Pros and Cons
Social Listening for hashtags and locations assists in discovery and strategy
以小时计的阿宝的分析st performance informs automated recommendations for when and where to post
Not enough onboarding/training means a slower learning curve
Ease of Use
Overall Score



As with any high end software, whether it’s in the cloud or on your own hardware, pricing is a highly custom affair. Captiv8 is in the cloud, but still at the high end: their target customer is large agencies and brands, exclusively. You can imagine, then, that everything about pricing and services is going to be customised to the clients needs, from the features they use to how many users they need to support.

The Details

Because social listening, and the AI engine behind it, constitutes the foundation of Captiv8, let’s have a look at that first. Above all else, social listening is a research tool, and the platform allows you to research one of three categories: accounts, hashtags, and location. For each of these the amount of different data sets you’re presented with is staggering.

按帐户进行搜索,您将深入研究它及其受众。您会发现更多有关观众之类的信息 - 诸如年龄/性别/位置人口统计的基础知识,但是您可以准确了解他们最活跃的时候。您会看到他们在何时以及发布的内容,其内容的性能。当然,还有有关参与度的数据 - 不仅仅是原始指标,但是日子和时间的参与度最高,同时对帖子上线后的前24小时进行一次小时的绩效评估。所有这些信息不仅用于您的消费;如果您将影响者激活到广告系列中,则该平台将在最佳时期提出建议。

Searching hashtags yields just as thorough an amount of data, albeit from another perspective. Here you’ll learn exactly who’s using the hashtag, and to what degree of effectiveness. You can find out contributors’ age, their gender, where they are—then go deeper and find out the hashtag performs in other kinds of demographic groups, like ethnicity, income, religion, and language spoken. You’ll also see the interests of the contributors broken out into around two dozen categories, like Real Estate, Fasion, Travel, or Shopping.The full list of every data point available on Captiv8 icannot be relayed here completely, and so it’s enough to say that users of the platform are not going to be left wanting for more information.

所有这些数据坐在那里,没有或许ing that the Discovery feature is just as in-depth. You can, of course, do a regular search where you specify a keyword and refine your results based on other traits. More useful than that is the ability to search by audience characteristics, from gender to interests to companies they’ve mentioned. But even more useful is searching by content. The AI digests all the content influencers produce and is able to label and categorize them, such that they can be searchable by topic. You can then further filter down by brand affinity, for example, and you’ll not only get results showing you people who’ve mentioned the brand, but also a score showing their overall sentiment, At every turn with Captiv8 there are little deep dives into the data like this, things you wouldn’t have thought you needed to know but you can’t do without now that you know them.

The discovery database has over 1.5 million profiles indexed, profiles which the AI deems to be high quality and influential. If you’re already working with influencers and they haven’t already been indexed into Captiv8, you can easily add them in from the platform. They’ve also made an excellent Chrome extension: if you’re looking at someone’s profile on the web, you can click the extension. If they’re in the database, you can go right to their profile to get at all their information. But if they’re not, you can import them right from the extension and all their data gets ingested into the platform.

As you wade through influencer profiles you can keep them organized in a talent list. You can have multiple talent lists, group them however you like, and each one acts as a kind of mini-CRM. Team members can collaborate on the curation and maintenance of the lists, leave notes about influencers featured in there, attach documents to each profile. The most sensible use for the talent list is to organize influencers by the campaign you want them for. When you’ve moved on to campaign management, all you need to do is import this list into the campaign brief and all the influencers who’ve been approved are automatically added to the list.

通常,一个平台会宣传如何花费很少的时间来设置广告系列摘要,以衡量其软件的使用程度。地狱,我们有罪在这些评论中说。在Captiv8上设立广告系列会消除更快的速度。并不是要在这里进行很长时间:它只需比其他平台更长。188滚球地址那是一件好事。这意味着Captiv8是彻底的,您需要在广告系列中弄清楚的一切都需要提前弄清楚。是的,您的简短和人才清单也是您的合同(使用合同模板更容易)。您需要设置所有付款详细信息,并且需要精确定义预期的可交付物,然后再进行这些付款。如果您是代理机构,则可以从客户身上隔离创作者并保持对沟通的更严格的控制权。填写广告系列摘要非常深入,以至于他们应该重新考虑将其称为简短。 But all this is attention to detail ensures that once the content starts rolling in, that’s all you need to worry about. Everything else is automated.

详细信息的最后一部分涵盖了报告,您可能可以查看此事的去向。是的,这很棒。告诉您,Captiv8在举报时就放弃了会更有趣的是,无论您做什么,您都会得到相同的饼图。这至少会令人惊讶。但是,不,报告和广告系列测量功能非常出色。You start from a bird’s-eye view to see the basic stats—how many creators, how many posts, the reach, engagement, reach and engagement broken down by organic vs paid, engagement by platform, top performing posts and creators, sentiment analysis and more.

It goes deeper than that, though, getting into the details of the audiences you reached and the influencers who performed the best for you, going into their individual posts and performance for your review, and you can filter all this information to show only the information that’s relevant to to you.


The reviews here at IMH are a purposefully curated batch of the best influencer software on offer today. We’ve seen awful software and rejected their inclusion here. We’ve seen excellent software and told you about those. Every so often we see one that rises above the rest in blatant and obvious ways, and Captiv8 is the most recent platform to have this effect.

评论本身令人沮丧地写作,因为很难(即使不是不可能)表达如何表达完成captiv8 is. The team behind its creation have a long history with digital advertising and it shows in this software. There’s no feature that isn’t included, no implementation of a feature that isn’t up to snuff. This is software that’s both of its time and ahead of it.

Last Updated:
4.8 out of 5 stars
Best for:
Large Brands, Agencies
On request
4.8 out of 5 stars
Best for:
Large Brands, Agencies
On request