15 YouTube营销课程您需要检查

Did you knowYouTuber Whinderssonnunes每年的收入约为190万美元?那是很多面团。当内容创建者大量投资自己时,奖励最终会得到很大的回报。You can get that, too.

无论您是YouTube内容创建专业人士还是仅浸入脚趾,都总是有一些新颖而令人兴奋的东西可以学习成长和管理YouTube频道。内容创建者有许多YouTube课程,视频和其他资源,以改善其渠道,188金宝慱网站吸引更多观点, 和获取更多订户。我们建议以下15个。让我们开始吧。

15 YouTube营销课程您需要检查:

1。YouTube Influencer 101 Crash Course—Jumpcut

JumpCut是由Jesse和Kong创立的一所学院,这是两个YouTube内容创建者,他们通过完善和阐述病毒内容在平台上表现出色。速成课程只是Jump Cut提供的众多课程之一。虽然初始课程是免费的,但其他课程需要付款。




As soon as you are done setting up your YouTube channel, the next step is to expand your knowledge of the platform. The YouTube management themselves generously offers an academy to provide YouTubers, just like you, to create content creation.

从内容创建到制定品牌交易,YouTube Creator Academy为您提供了有价值的资源来提高您的内容创建技能 - 全部免费!188金宝慱网站

但是,在选择支付任何在线课程或面对面课程的费用之前,请确保查看程序的内容以使自己升级到一个新的水平。但是,在YouTube平台上托管的创作者的几个YouTube课程来自众所周知的内容创建者 - 这有点令人放心。这是课程。

3.建立专业的YouTube频道 - Amy Landino

艾米·兰迪诺(Amy Landino)是著名作家,主旨演讲者和YouTuber。她还是专业的视频博客,也是视频品牌的专家。借助她的课程,您将获得逐步指南,用于构建与Channel Creation最佳实践相符的YouTube频道。它可以帮助您熟悉YouTube所提供的一切。


人们听影响者不仅仅是名人。但为什么?查出 这里

4.数字摄影简介 - 阿利森


This is another fantastic course on our list of YouTube courses for creators. It features technical elements, 13 modules, teaching history, and file formats for photography. When you start following the modules, there is an assessment to test all you have learned in the course.



这门课程教会你如何更好地你的视频hooting. The tutorial is the first section of a three-section video production lesson that YouTube offers. The class consists of three units: Developing Your Ideas, Choosing Your Equipment, and Getting Ready for Your Shoot.

Before Your Shoot will teach you the essentials for creating compelling content, whether to develop your channel or as a YouTube newbie.

6。在拍摄期间 - Youtube创造者学院

After learning all you need to know before your shoot, the next step is to know what to do during your shooting. However, you need an excellent camera, lighting, and framing. Being successful in YouTube content creation requires original content coupled with a pretty face. Yeah, that’s right, a pretty face is helpful. Nonetheless, you need to have excellent skills in video shooting.

Fortunately, YouTube provides a section of its platform to aspiring video content creators. The During Your Shoot course offers a free one-hour YouTube tutorial where you'll be taught how to use lighting effectively, frame your shots, and make a professional sound recording. Also, if you don't have any background in videography, among other YouTube courses for creators, this particular course is perfect for you.

7。社会营销培训 - 鞋仪

This is a free social media course provided by Hootsuite, where you can learn the benefits of getting your content across numerous social media platforms and increasing your brand's reach. All that is required of you is to sign up for free to access all the materials – isn't that just perfect?




了解SEO的工作方式将带来优势,并使您领先于竞争对手。一些成功的YouTube内容创建者因从随机想法中挑选他们的信息并将其开发为病毒内容而臭名昭著。但是,他们都特别了解一件事 - SEO。您可以在这里获得课程。

您可以在YouTube上赚很多钱。但是,您知道哪些因素决定了您的收入潜力吗?这是 您需要注意的四个

9。YouTube SEO:如何在YouTub上排名第一

So you’ve been looking for a course on how to get views? It’s quite simple. The answer is to increase your ranking in the search results by aiming for the number one spot with SEO content. There are two vital things to keep in mind: subscribers and those who search for your content. The question now is, "how exactly do searchers and subscribers find your content?" Well, that's a mystery we are all still looking to solve.


10。The Secret Power of Brands—FutureLearn



11.电子邮件列表构建 - 计划




12。在YouTube上建立粉丝群 - 创造力

If you are already good with video planning and editing, it is time to make your content earn more views and grow your fan base. One of the keys to getting more and constant engagements on your channel is the ability to cut across more people both on and off YouTube, and that’s one of the components of this course.

您的粉丝群必须专注于吸引您频道提供的内容类型的人。你不想进入one-time thing.当您可以连续交付高质量的内容时,您将能够保留几乎所有的观众并赚更多的钱。

The Build a fan base is one of the most sought after YouTube courses for creators. The instructor, Sunny Lenarduzzi, will show you how to pick the best topics with search terms and keywords in mind. Also, she will teach you several methods to promote your channel and videos. If you are looking to go viral, here is a course for you!

13。Vlog Like a Boss—Creativelive

Several kinds of YouTube videos include video game streams, political, social, short films and documentaries, environmental commentary, music videos, and vlogs. However, as we know them, vlogs are one of the most proven methods to have worked for major YouTube influencers. They are reasonably easy to create, edit, plus viewers love to engage with vlogs.

In this online course, the supervisor, Amy Schmittauer, will show you everything you ought to know about vlogs. You’ll be taught how to connect and relate with your viewers, attract traffic, edit, develop personable content, and build a fan base using vlogs. It's also vital that you recall that vloggers are one of the best earners on YouTube, so to be in this league, you shouldn’t second-guess taking this course.

想通过您的YouTube频道赚更多的钱吗? 查看这些创意的创意!

14.Build a Business on YouTube—YouTube Creator Academy







