


但这并不意味着Twitch无需提供其他内容创建者。您会在Twitch上找到各种视频,包括有关DIY,烹饪,化妆,创意艺术和生活方式的演示和教程。并每天活跃的用户数量为15 million,Twitch不是您可以忽略的社交平台。

以前,我们已经写了详细的指南抽搐营销and how to stream on Twitch. In this article, we will talk about Twitch basics and features. We will also explain how you can access the platform and use it effectively.


Twitch Basics




As you grow on the platform, Twitch unlocks many rewards and monetizing options. You can progress from a Streamer to Affiliate to Partner. Take a look at the various streaming levels on Twitch:

1. Streamer:任何人都可以在Twitch上流媒体,但是18岁以下的人需要父母同意才能上线。流媒体可以广播内容,与听众聊天,访问他们的流分析并建立粉丝社区。

作为彩带,您可以开始努力成为一个抽搐的会员,这种状态将为您解锁许多独家功能和奖励。您可以通过“成就”页面监视您的进度,您可以在Home> Insights>成就下访问该页面。

Once you fulfil the qualifying criteria, you’ll see a link from Twitch inviting you to onboard as an Affiliate.

2. Affiliate:As a Twitch Affiliate, you’ll have a number of great tools at your disposal. You’ll get a subscription button for your fans and a custom emote. If you are striving to make a living from Twitch, you need to attain the Affiliate level.


  • 订户可以给您礼物,可以换成真钱
  • 通过促进即将到来的游戏和销售游戏中的商品来赚钱
  • Ads and donations
  • Make money from subscriptions

The minimum qualifications for becoming an Affiliate include:

  • 达到50个关注者
  • Broadcast = eight hours or seven days in 30 days
  • Average of three viewers per stream (for at least three concurrent streams)


3. Partner:如果您是成功的会员,则可以在Twitch合作伙伴计划中进行镜头,该计划可以确保优先支持支持和更好的获利机会。


  • 赚取每月订阅
  • 验证您的频道的徽章
  • Custom badges for subscribers
  • 自定义情绪
  • Lockable chats that are available only to your subscribers
  • 限制对您的内容档案的访问
  • 禁用广告查看或将该控制权交给您的订户


  • 时间流=过去30天25小时
  • Unique days streamed = 12 in the last 30 days
  • 平均每流75位观众

After you meet these benchmarks, you’ll need to fill a formal Partner application for Twitch to consider. If Twitch approves your application, you will be an official Twitch Partner.


We’ve compiled a glossary of Twitch-typical terms for you. Going through these descriptions will help you understand how Twitch works.

  1. 以下内容:People who are interested in your streams may decide to follow you. If they’ve set up Twitch notifications, they will be notified every time you go online.
  2. 聊天:Every streamer gets a chat room with their account. You can deactivate yours if you want. However, we recommend that you use chat to connect with viewers one-to-one.
  3. 订阅或潜艇:Once you are an Affiliate, you can charge a monthly amount from your subscribers. Subscribers can choose to pay on a one-time or recurring basis. They get access to your emotes and other benefits defined by you.
  4. 情绪:Twitch offers a vast emotes library that can be used to express reactions while chatting and streaming. Affiliates and partners can create custom emotes.
  5. Ads:Twitch Partners和会员可以在其渠道上运行广告并从中赚钱。根据您的广告设置,在页面加载或中游中可见。
  6. Templates:To give your channel a distinctive look, Twitch lets you use ready-made模板. Templates include all the customizable parts of your channel, including panels, overlays, banners, avatars, and alerts.
  7. Extensions:您可以插入扩展from the Twitch Extension Manager into your channel. Using extensions, your subscribers can create leaderboards, polls, and mini-games.
  8. 位:Subscribers can “Cheer” affiliates and partners by sending them Bits via chat. One bit is currently pegged at $0.01. You can encourage subscribers to use Bits for polling or for celebrating big moments in your broadcast.
  9. Merch by Amazon:if you’re an Amazon account holder and Twitch Partner, you can sign up for Merch by Amazon. By doing this, you will earn every time custom merchandise is sold on your channel.


要开始在Twitch上流式传输,或在流上查看或评论,您需要在Twitch上创建一个帐户。您可以通过他们的Twitch访问Twitchofficial websiteor the Twitch app which is available on iOS, Android, Mac, and console game stations like PS4 and Xbox One.


Once you have all the gear in place, you can create a profile for yourself and start streaming.


While it’s true that Twitch houses a lot of gaming content, you can find other types of content as well. When we compiled our list of顶级30个抽奖板,我们发现各行各业的人都在平台上挥舞着。研究这些顶级流媒体正在共享的内容是一个好主意,以掌握在平台上成功的内容。


  • 近41.5%的抽搐用户是男性。这是可以预料的,因为游戏在男性中比女性更受欢迎。
  • 令人惊讶的是,大多数Twitch用户不是青少年和青少年。实际上,它们位于18-34岁的年龄段。
  • Twitch raises a lot of money for charitable purposes. So, if you champion a worthy social cause, you can be a good fit for the platform.
  • 21.32%的抽搐观众在美国,其次是俄罗斯,德国和巴西。


Twitch Etiquette



  • Write instructions about how viewers should conduct themselves on your channel. Make sure that your guidelines are prominently displayed on your page.
  • 不要hijack conversations by talking too much or promoting your channel. Make intelligent conversation and insightful comments.
  • Be creative in your content but remain true to your niche. This will help you establish authority and showcase your skills better.
  • Try to nurture relationships with viewers. Chat and use emotes liberally while streaming.
  • Build connections with like-minded streamers. Spend time in the right communities and look for collaboration opportunities with other content creators.
  • Never copy the content of other streamers. You can land in a legal dispute which can ruin your chances of shining on the platform.

That’s a Cut

