Ultimate Guide to Marketing on Twitch in 2022

Twitch is the world’s largest online video game streaming platform, with more than 15 million daily active users. Twitch streams need only find their audience to start making money on the platform.With so much opportunity to reach an enormous audience, you’re probably wondering how you can use Twitch to market your own business.

In this article, we’ll show you how to do marketing on Twitch to expand your reach, get more leads, and make more sales.

Ultimate Guide to Marketing on Twitch in 2022:

What Is Twitch?

twitch marketing 2021

Twitch is a live streaming platform owned by Amazon. Most of the content on the platform is video game live streaming and eSports competitions. But, there’s a growing number of streamers who focus on music, DIY, creative, and lifestyle content.



Looking for more reasons to jump on the Twitch bandwagon? Check out theseTwitch statsfor influencers.



To hire a抽搐影响者, brands will reach out to individual streamers to negotiate promotion details and sign contracts. This is typically done via email.

Once an agreement has been reached, the Twitch streamer will start promoting the brand to their audience and subscribers per the contract they agreed to.

As you can imagine with a live streaming platform, there are tons of different types of promotions you can use on Twitch. The most common promotions you’ll see between brands and Twitch influencers are shout-outs, giveaways, and product unboxings.

It’s important to remember that you can do whatever promotions work well with your audience, so you’re really only limited by your own imagination.

Traditional advertising methods just don’t resonate with younger audiences, but Twitch viewers are more than willing to pay attention to what their favorite Twitch streams are touting.

How Twitch Works


Within gaming, there are several niche markets for specific games and types of gameplay. The platform also broadcasts eSports tournaments and talk shows related to gaming.


  • The Twitch streamer is highly skilled at their game or topic
  • 抽搐的拖缆具有特别接触的个性
  • The Twitch streamer hits that sweet spot with a great personality and tons of skill




As you can see, more and more women are joining the platform, but the age of users remains relatively young.

Within these users is a wealth of advertising potential, especially since gamers are a pretty diverse and segmented group. With the number of users on the platform, it’s likely that your target audience is represented.

Now is a great time to start marketing on Twitch, before every other marketer jumps in to saturate the platform.

To get you started, here are five ways to use Twitch for marketing.

1. Set Marketing Goals

Streaming is a business. With every business, you need to start by setting your goals and a strategy for how you will meet those goals.

Keep your goals measurable, leaving nothing open to misinterpretation. For example, a goal of “have [number] of subscribers by [date]” is a much stronger goal than “increase my number of subscribers.”

The goals you set should be in line with your overall business needs and marketing strategy. Plus, they need to be measurable and time-bound. Measurable so you know how close you are to achieving your goal. Timebound so you stay focused on your progress and don’t spend time on other tasks that won’t help you reach your goals.

2. Understand the Average Twitch User


The United States accounts formore than one-fifthof the platform’s desktop traffic (23%) with Germany (7%), South Korea (6%), Russia (6%), and France (4%) distantly rounding out the top five. Twitch gets traffic from 247 additional countries.

3. Entertain First, Advertise Second



底线是,人们去抽动entertained. They don’t want to be sold to, though about 80% of Twitch users approve of Twitch streamers using sponsorships.


While Twitch users don’t want to be advertised to directly, they’ll accept learning about products from their favorite streamers because it feels personal. And people trust people so much more than they trust businesses.




  1. 了解您的产品和服务
  2. 娱乐目的
  3. News about your business or industry
  4. Promotions or discounts
  5. 与分享他们兴趣的人联系


记住的内容表现最好的一个nd gets the most engagement on social media and live streaming platforms is entertaining, inspirational, educational, tells a story, or offers discounts.

Videos showcasing your products should be interesting, fun, and informative. But, they’ll probably do a lot better if you couple this kind of video with a giveaway or contest.

4. Find the Right Influencer

Twitch viewers are loyal to their favorite streamers. Your goal as a marketer is to find the right influencer or brand to partner with so you can reach that loyal audience.

Thetype of influenceryou’re looking for will be heavily influenced by your overall marketing goals.



Video game streamers reign on Twitch. If you’re looking at building partnerships on the platform that are outside of gaming, you’ll want to make sure that the streamers you’re looking at have a large enough audience to make it worth your while.



What else is the audience interested in? Gamers might be a lot more interested in fast food or skateboarding than they are in health insurance. For non-gaming channels, the audience may feel exactly the opposite.


Obviously, you’ll want to choose streamers that have strong viewing numbers. Look at AVC (average concurrent viewership) to find out how many viewers the streamer has at once, on average.





An active streamer is vital. You want to work with Twitch streamers who go live consistently. This is the best way to build a community.

Viewer Sentiment

A large number of followers and active community are a great place to start, but you’ll also want to look intohow观众与拖缆交往?他们喜欢他们还是定期评论和互动不那么好看?

5. Interact With Your Audience

Interaction is a must with Twitch live streaming. Twitch viewers can use the chat window that’s open throughout the stream and the streamer will talk to the people who are watching. By engaging and responding immediately, Twitch streamers are able to quickly build a loyal fanbase.


通过观众参与,您可以继续建立您的影响力平台,吸引更多的追随者,在抽搐上获得更多钱through viewer donations, affiliate sales, and sponsorships.

Engaging with your audience goes beyond just talking to them when they’re watching your channel. We encourage you to watch the live streams your followers create, too, and follow their movements on social media.

This lets your audience know that you’re interested in them as humans, rather than just a number that adds to your authority. The bonus to this is that you’re more likely to get even more followers when you show them you genuinely care.

If the opportunity arises, you could even attend conventions and other real-life events to meet face to face with your followers and network.

While you’re looking for ways to engage with your audience, don’t forget to create a website.

A website is the perfect way to house all of your information in a single place, making it easy for fans to spread the word about you. Here are some things you should include on your website:

  • Streaming schedule
  • Social media profiles
  • 赞助和联盟关系
  • Other projects you’re working on

另外,与网站,你可以播放您的电子邮件列表. This is important for influencers and brands alike since you own your email list. That’s not the case for most platforms like Twitch where they can shut down your account whenever they want.


Twitch is ripe for marketing. The platform gets so much engagement and many Twitch influencers have enormous followings. Plus, since few marketers are on the platform right now, you have the chance to make a big impact with less money.

Frequently Asked Questions


抽搐的影响者营金博宝188备用网址销与其他类型的影响者营销相似,但促销活动是流动的,而不是使用图像或录制的视频。To hire a Twitch influencer, brands will reach out to individual streamers to negotiate promotion details and sign contracts.

How do you market a twitch channel?

Set numerical goals for followers and views
Stream regularly and set a schedule
确定您带到观众的价值 - 并清楚
Find your niche
Use high quality streaming equipment
Promote yourself on social media

How much does it cost to promote on Twitch?

To promote yourself on Twitch, you have many options, as Twitch allows for non-traditional marketing strategies such as Twitch influencer partnerships. It can be difficult to calculate how much Twitch ads can cost, but expect to spend around $2 to $10 per impression.



What can’t you do on Twitch?

Other Twitch creators’ content
Pirated games, or other content from unauthorized private servers.
Content from sites outside Twitch
Movies, TV shows, sports matches, and other content under copyright
