Auditing Your TikTok Account for Follower Quality [+ Free TikTok Audit Tool]


One particularly important step of your TikTok audit is to examine the quality of your followers, to determine whether they are of value to you.

Here are the steps to follow each time you carry out a TikTok audit. You should also make similar reviews of your other social media accounts. We include an easy to use TikTok Audit Tool to check your account for fake followers.


TikTok Audit Tool by HypeAuditor


Influencer Marketing Hub is in no way associated with this tool and provides it for informational purposes only. This tool is provided by Hypeauditor, the accuracy of results generated from this tool depends on HypeAuditors own algorithms. If you have any questions, please reach out to Hypeauditor as they are the providers of this social data to publishers, agencies and brands.



This tool is provided by Hypeauditor, results generated relies on HypeAuditors algorithms. The tool is meant to give an indication of quality of followers of an account. For more information please visit

The Influencer Marketing Hub, in association with高度,提供一个可以用来分析任何Tiktok帐户关注者的质量的工具。该工具绝不隶属于Tiktok。您可以使用它来帮助您确定您是否拥有Tiktok帐户的优质关注者,他们将帮助您实现目标,或者您是否拥有过多的虚假关注者。另外,如果您是一家希望与Tiktok影响者合作的企业,则可以将潜在影响者通过此工具来了解他们的受众的真实性。对于那些对大量假装追随者没有实际影响的人,没有意义的钱。


In many ways, your TikTok audit will be similar to one you would carry out on Instagram or any other social platform. You are looking for three main things in your audit:

  1. 您已经正确设置了帐户
  2. 您始终释放将引起目标受众并定期与他们互动的内容
  3. 您拥有真实的追随者基础,通常代表您的目标受众

Our TikTok audit tool can help you in the third part of this process.








One negative feature of TikTok, from a marketing point of view, is that it provides a spartan bio. This severely limits your ability to customize it compared to many other social media apps. However, it is still prime social real estate, so you need to ensure that every word counts.



3. Check the Overall look of Your TikTok Account


We mentioned your bio above, but that is just part of the overall look and feel of your account. You want your entire TikTok account to convey a particular image to your followers. This look will match the way you want people to look at your business. Perhaps you want them to see you as being young and quirky, or maybe you would prefer to come across as being professional and focused.

您应该总体查看您的Tiktok帐户 - 包括您的个人资料,首选配色方案,使用的语言,共享的视频类型,字幕,主题标签以及与关注者的互动方式。您将希望一切都与您的品牌保持一致,并符合您的首选音调。


4. Check the Videos You Post are Consistent with Your Goals

如果你运行TikTok任何形式的标记eting activity, it is vital that you consistently align every video you make and share with the goals you set. Again, you need to remember that this isn’t your personal account, so the videos you create, and share must reflect your business goals, rather than simply be on topics you personally like.

Your videos and comments must reflect your company culture. If you aim to come across as professional and wholesome, make sure that you don’t share videos that conflict with that wish. On the other hand, if you target a younger, racier demographic, you can be freer in your video topics and tone of your videos, and you don’t want to come across as too conservative or boring.


5. Make Sure You’ve Used Relevant Hashtags



主题标签还具有最受欢迎的Tiktok营销类型之一 - 主题标签挑战。主题标签挑战可以是有机的(您找到一种为合适的受众设定挑战的方法),或者是有机的。Tiktok将主题标签挑战作为其正式广告类型之一。请注意,付费主题标签挑战是昂贵的,六天的费用为150,000美元,促销费用为100,000至200,000美元。如果您还没有建立大量追随者,则有机主题标签挑战可能很困难。有时,与有影响力的人合作可以实现成功的主题标签挑战,其成本要比通过付费广告设置的费用要少。

6. Check Your Levels of Engagement

To be successful on TikTok, you need to engage with other users. You can’t be an island, merely broadcasting videos that you feel will interest people. That is the quickest way to TikTok obliteration.

使用您的Tiktok Analytics在这里为您提供帮助。如果您还没有这样做,则需要切换到Tiktok Pro帐户,以使您可以访问帐户的分析仪表板。








It is not quite as easy to recognize fake TikTok followers as it is on platforms like Instagram or Facebook – the provided data is not as detailed. However, we do have some general tips, and of course, recommend our free TikTok audit tool to assist your decision-making.


Genuine accounts show similar patterns when it comes to follower numbers, people followed, and levels of engagement. Although everybody operates their accounts differently, and some beginners don’t run their accounts like more experienced TikTok users, you can still easily spot outliers.

They may like and follow thousands of people, but don’t have many TikTok users following them in return. Perhaps they don’t share many, if any, videos themselves. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they are a bot, but it does suggest that they will be of little value as a follower.

2. Short Bursts of Activity

When somebody creates a bot, they will often follow thousands of people at the beginning, and then leave the account alone. They may even share a few videos on the account creation day, before stopping sharing fresh content.


3. An Empty Bio



4. Clueless Comments




