
虽然我们谈论有影响力的营销中心的许多不同的在线营销类型,但该网站的核心是影响者营销,顾名思义。金博宝188备用网址这确实提出了您何时可以将自己视为有影响力的人的问题。一个因素是您帐户中必须有的追随者或订户数量 - 尽管我们强调许多其他因素使某人成为影响者。

尽管典型的追随者或订户数量因社交网络而有所不同,但仍然有近似的里程碑数字表明您已经达到了一定的成功水平。但是,我们确实强调只有真正的追随者/订户的重要性。我们以前已经写过Why Buying Instagram Followers is a Really Bad Idea,同样的论点适用于所有其他社交网络。



Our Social Media Followers Badge Generator

Do you think you are performing well on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube? We now have a tool that will generate a social media achievement badge that you can use to prove to your friends, followers, subscribers, or indeed anybody you want your success.

社交媒体Achievement Badge Generator

While these numbers are sometimes called vanity stats, why worry? Take any credit where it is due. Also, high follower/subscriber numbers unlock particular milestones on some of these networks, so it makes sense to emphasize your success when you have it.


The answer to this question depends on whether you are running an individual or business account. Businesses run social accounts for totally different reasons than everyday people do.

Suppose you (as a person) don't have a social account nowadays. In that case, many people consider you an old "fuddy duddy" – someone who is "fussy while old-fashioned, traditionalist, conformist, or conservative, sometimes almost to the point of eccentricity or geekiness" according to Wikipedia.

Even many older people have ventured onto social media, Facebook in particular, initially to contact their grandchildren and then for genuine social reasons. Similarly, YouTube appeals to a wide variety of people who enjoy watching videos, perhaps of special events, or topics that particularly interest them. Sometimes the most unlikely people watch YouTube. For example, keen fishermen may watch YouTube videos to learn new casting techniques. Even hunters and trampers, lovers of the "great outdoors," watch YouTube to find new places to visit.


It's important to remember the full title – "social media network." All these help you network with people somehow, even if you live thousands or even millions of miles away from them.

Each of the social networks has developed a point of difference from its competitors. The three we cover with our tool are all visual in some way. TikTok specializes in short videos, YouTube in longer videos, and Instagram photography and other images. Sure, they overlap to an extent, but each has devoted most of their development budgets to improving their core capabilities. Other social networks also specialize, e.g., Facebook focuses on mixing text and images, Twitter concentrates on short, pithy thoughts, and LinkedIn has a strong business bias. In many of these networks, you can join groups or conversations on specific topics that interest you, contributing as you see fit.

Social media success is different for business, however. Many firms now recognize the amount of time their potential customers spend on social media. And it makes sense that they spend their marketing budget where their customers are. It can also be easier to monitor success with much social media marketing compared with more traditional methods. In many cases, businesses can use social media in two ways. They can make posts, just like any other user (or pay influencers to do so if preferred). Alternatively, they can advertise on most social networks, and in the process, be highly selective about who they want to see their ads.




重要的是要记住,仅跟随者的数字并不是您在平台上成功和可见性的重要迹象。后来详细研究了how the TikTok algorithm works。理想情况下,您希望您的视频在您的页面上出现尽可能多的人。

Tiktok宣布以下因素会影响他们选择“ For for You”页面的视频:

  1. 用户互动,例如,人们喜欢和共享的视频,他们遵循的帐户,他们发布的内容,评论他们发表的评论
  2. Video information, e.g., details like captions, sounds, and hashtags
  3. 设备和帐户设置,例如语言偏好,国家和设备类型






As with all of these platforms, you need engaged followers to be successful on Instagram. Fake followers are of no value to you whatsoever. As with TikTok, Instagram's algorithm easily finds and weeds out fake accounts and bots. Therefore, you need to work on engaging with the followers that you do have. This will, in turn, likely lead to you gaining more followers. In turn, the more followers you have, the greater the opportunities you have to engage with them.


如果您想在Instagram上取得成功,则必须做的一件重要的事情是从个人帐户更改为企业或创建者帐户。首先,您需要这样做,以使您可以访问Instagram Insights - 分析您的Instagram帐户,以分解您的性能。






YouTube的运作方式与其他大多数社交网络不同。您可以创建频道 - 就像按需电视频道一样。特别喜欢YouTube频道的人希望在其中分享并订阅该频道。

Nowadays, YouTube doesn't publicly disclose exact subscriber numbers. For example, while it shows each new subscriber, if you have fewer than 1,000 subscribers, you have to gain ten new subscribers for it to display for channels with between 1,000 and 9,999 subscribers. This pattern continues as your channels grow, maxing out at showing only 1,000,000 increases to accounts with more than 100,000,000 or more subscribers.



  1. 遵循所有的YouTubemonetization policies
  2. 居住在可用的YouTube合作伙伴计划的国家或地区。
  3. Have more than 4,000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months.
  4. 拥有1000多个订户。
  5. Have a linked AdSense account.

需求4在这里至关重要 - 您需要获得1,000个关注者,甚至可以考虑将渠道货币化。YouTube说,观看时间和订户编号要求有上下文。当您达到此阈值时,通常意味着您有更多的内容。门槛有助于他们就您的渠道是否符合其政策和准则做出更明智的决定。YouTube保留从非活动渠道中删除货币化的权利,而不是上传或发布六个月或更长时间的社区职位。





  • 大型影响者- people with a vast number of followers on their social networks, often with more than 1 million followers on at least one social platform.
  • 宏观影响者- 在社交网络上有40,000至100万关注者的追随者的人
  • 微型影响者- 普通的日常人,他们以对一些专家利基市场的了解而闻名。尽管观点有所不同,但微型影响者往往在一个社交平台上具有1,000至40,000名关注者。
  • 纳米影响者- 这些人有少数关注者,但往往是晦涩或专业领域的专家。他们只有不到1,000名关注者,他们热衷于一个利基市场的关注者。

If you wish to become an influencer on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube, you should make reaching the above numbers a goal.
