
Patreon是使您的YouTube频道,播客,博客内容和任何数量的事物获利的绝妙方法。使用Patreon,您可以为支持者(顾客)提供独家价值,以换取每月付款。但是,为了让支持者为支持您的月份提供支持,您需要为他们提供一些激励措施。如果您刚开始,您可能对提供什么有任何想法。从不畏惧!在本指南中,我们将分享创作者可以为Patreon提供的七个最佳好处,以使您的观众参与,兴奋和准备支持您。在我们深入研究最佳好处列表之前,Addons Creators可以为顾客提供,让我们谈谈提示。


  • 访问您
  • 获取数字或实体优惠
  • 与您和其他顾客互动
  • 认出


We'll talk more about patron benefit best practices later in this guide. For now, let's get into our list so you can start building out membership tiers with benefits that are going to engage and delight your patrons.


7 Best Benefits All Creators Can Offer on Patreon



As of 2018, 37% of creators were using Patreon's Early Access feature to give patrons access to content before the content became available to the masses (Patreon). Your patrons support you because they're interested in the content that you provide and likely to be eagerly awaiting your next content drop. Early access gives your fans the chance to be part of a small, selective group of people who can benefit from your content and put it to use before everyone can.

2. Exclusive Content

Even better than early access to content is exclusive access to content. This might include:

  • 访问内容库的内容库
  • 访问封闭式视频课程
  • 独家视频,例如Deep-Dive和编辑的剪辑
  • 新内容,迷你系列和其他细分
  • Livestreaming
  • 与您的业务相关的补充材料(音乐表,刷子包,模板等)


Patreon使创作者真的很容易地添加商品会员层。它带有所有Patreon Premium计划,可作为Patreon Pro计划的附加计划,每月额外支付3%的费用。这是一个受欢迎的选择,有15%的创作者选择向顾客发送身体上的好处。

Merch can include just about anything, from stickers to pins to clothing. The important thing is that it's something your supporters will love and it's branded. If you're not able to send your supporters something for nothing, you can also give them exclusive discount codes to buy merch from you.

Most Patreon creators use one of three frameworks for offering merch to their patrons:

One-Time Merch

This type of delivery is generally available to new patrons upon signup and can be very useful in driving new patrons to support you. You can set this up however you want. Some creators will send something small (like stickers) to every single supporter while others will choose to send something larger (like a coffee mug or a t-shirt) to only those patrons who sign up for a specific membership tier.

Time-Based or Anniversary Merch

This delivery is dependent on a specific amount of time passing before a patron is eligible to receive merch from you. You could send a nice anniversary gift to patrons who have been with you for a year, for example. Or, maybe send a smaller item to patrons who have supported you for a shorter amount of time.






5. Shoutouts & Fan Participation

Imagine being in the front row at your favorite band's concert. They just finished playing your anthem, the song that brought you to the band, that song that has really made a difference in your life. As the singer's making their way over to grab a drink, you make eye contact. They wink. Maybe give you a high five. Whatever it is, they see you there. They see you and they acknowledge it.


Fan recognition goes a really long way toward keeping your supporters engaged and excited about your brand. They want to feel like they're part of things, like they matter to you. Giving them a shoutout is a really easy way to make that happen.

There are several播客使用风扇识别作为某些m的好处吗embership tiers, giving patrons a mention either on the podcast or in the notes. SomeInstagraminfluencers做同样的事。您可以真正创造自己的创造力(例如,在一定层面上创建一个简单的顾客图纸)或简单(快速提及他们的名字)。




As we mentioned earlier when talking about polls and voting, supporters love knowing that they can get access to the people they're supporting. Question and Answer sessions are a great, low-risk way to make that happen. And, there are tons of ways to make this happen. You can answer every question or choose to answer just the ones you want. You can do it via live stream, record your answers and publish the video, even host AMA ("ask me anything") events on platforms like Reddit or Discord. Discord even offers aPatreon整合to make offering this benefit even easier.



7. Community





Exclusivity in exchange for membership helps patrons understand the value of what you're offering. By supporting you, they're getting access to special content like videos, sketches, rough drafts, and more, that other people don't get to see.

Recognize Your Patrons

As we mentioned, your supporters want to know that you see them and know that they're there, supporting you. How can you include them in your process? What can you do to let them know that you value their support? And how can you share that information so they get some attention for it?









Once you have your initial benefits selected, make sure you price them in a way that both makes sense for your business and makes them appealing to your audience. If you're offering a set of stickers to supporters at the $50/month level, you're probably not going to get many takers. On the other side of things, if you're giving a t-shirt to patrons who are just giving you $1/month, you're not going to make enough tofund your brand with Patreon

