Instagram Engagement Metrics, Why They are Important [FREE Bulk Engagement Calculator]


For too long, people focused on vanity metrics – thinking that big numbers made you look better on Instagram (and other social networks). This led to the emergence of fake followers and a marketplace to buy these bogus followers. But as we have previously explained, purchasing fake followers can beextremely bad for your credibility。确实,仅拥有大量的关注者并不意味着您运行一个好的Instagram帐户。

There isn't much of a correlation between your follower figures and influence. Many of the best influencers are micro-influencers or nano-influencers with relatively low follower counts. Engagement is the critical factor that separates influencers from also-runs. Influencers have followers who take a high interest in their posts and react accordingly. Similarly, the best business accounts feature high engagement levels, ahead of high follower numbers.

顺便说一下,如果你是一个机构或开展工作with multiple influencer accounts, you will find our Bulk Engagement Tool invaluable. You can enter multiple account names and discover bulk engagement on the lot, rather than having to search for the engagement on each account individually.



So what is engagement, and where should you place your focus? Here are the critical Instagram engagement metrics where you should put most of your attention.

Instagram Engagement Metrics, Why They are Important:


There is little point in making Instagram posts if people don't take note of them. Instagram's algorithm makes this even worse. Many of your posts won’t even be served up to your followers, never mind receiving any engagement from them.


Instagram bases its algorithm on:

  1. 兴趣 - 根据他们过去对职位的反应,他们对某人的关心程度
  2. Timeliness – Instagram favors newer posts over ones that have been posted longer
  3. 关系 - 您似乎认识这个人的程度。如果该人过去曾与您订婚(例如,对您的帖子发表评论),那么Instagram认为您有着密切的关系(即家庭成员或朋友),即使您是企业或有影响力的人,在现实生活中从未见过。

超过1亿照片are uploaded每天去Instagram。对于您的帖子而言,这太容易了。我们确实知道,视频的参与度比图像帖子高出38%,因此,如果您想提高每个追随者的参与度,则可能值得制作并分享与您的利基市场相关的一些视频,尽管这取决于您的特定受众。


Similarly, you can determine an influencer's effectiveness by tracking their Engagement per Follower. There is little point paying for posts that nobody reacts to.

You must compare engagement with follower numbers. A big-name celebrity who has little interest in their Instagram account will still have high raw engagement numbers if you see that somebody has 100 comments on posts that would be good for a nano-influencer with 1,000 followers (10% engagement rate). But it would be abysmal for the big-name celebrity with 1 million followers (0.01% engagement rate).


You can calculate this metric by:

  1. Selecting your period
  2. 加起来Instagrammer在该时间范围内在其帖子上收到的所有喜欢和评论
  3. 除以他们的追随者数量(并乘以100以获得百分比)

Engagement on Reach


这认识到一些看到您的帖子的人不会跟随您。如果您有幸在Instagram Explore页面上获得帖子,则尤其如此。同样,有些人在搜索或以下主题标签中找到您的帖子。

Website Traffic


Instagram is not the best social media network at driving traffic to a website, because you only have one clickable link in your bio and can't add them to individual posts. However, you can now add links to Isntragm Stories, and some accounts can now direct potential customers to their site withInstagram Shoppable Posts。在某些情况下,他们可以通过新的Instagram结帐在Instagram上直接销售产品。

您可以在Google Analytics(分析)中找到网站流量号。您可以看到您网站的流量来源:

  • Organic search
  • 直接的
  • Email
  • Referral
  • 社会的
  • Other

Visitors to your site from social networks such as Instagram, count as Social traffic.

您的Google Analytics(分析数据)将通过社交网络进一步打破社交数据。您可以从Instagram故事中看到与Instagram Bio链接的流量分别从Instagram故事发送到网站的流量。

您可以在Google Analytics(分析)中设定目标,从而可以轻松查看您是否已经增加了Instagram和Instagram故事的网站流量以实现您的目标。


While the website traffic data referred to above is some indication of the success of your link clicks, you can set up your links to get you information about the success of specific posts. You do this by adding UTM parameters to the links in your Instagram bio (and Instagram Stories).

It can be tricky to create UTM parameters, so it’s best to use a suitable tool to simplify the process for you. One such tool isGoogle Analytics Campaign URL Builder。This asks you for your website URL, campaign source (e.g., Instagram), campaign medium (e.g., bio link), campaign name, and relevant campaign content (to differentiate links from your bio to those from different Instagram Stories). The app takes this information and creates a new URL that includes UTM data.

Of course, the full UTM is probably too long to use on Instagram, so you can then put it through a link shortener, like, to improve the way it looks on your Instagram account.

You can then track this data in your Google Analytics, allowing you to separate the results of clicks on different links.

Comments Per Post

While Likes have some value on Instagram, they are considered low-quality engagement, because they are so easy to give. You can tap the Like button easily, with little thought about how much you like a post.

Comments, on the other hand, require thought and attention to detail. Therefore, comments are a much more valuable form of engagement. They show that the person is connected with your post – as long as they don't merely write a blunt "nice post”-type non-comment!

Some posts will engender more comments than others because of the content they cover. However, overall, you should be looking for a reasonable number of comments per post on average. Ideally, the comment numbers will show an increasing trend over time.

It's worth looking for trends with post comments, particularly if it's your own account your analyzing. If you discover that a particular type of post leads to more comments, you might consider making more of those posts.

Most Engaged Hashtags

You’ve undoubtedly heard the importance of using hashtags on Instagram. But how successful have you been with your hashtag usage? You can include up to 30 hashtags in your posts. Make sure that you don’t use the same 30 each time, however. Instagram considers that lazy and unnatural usage, and have been known to shadowban people who have done so.

You want to keep a close look at which of your hashtags receive the most engagement.

Instagram Stories Metrics

The hardest part of tracking Instagram Stories analytics is that these posts disappear after 24 hours, along with any engagement with them.

You will find some data in Instagram Insights, however, if you have a Business Profile.



You could consider calculating your Instagram Stories Drop Off Rate – the percentage of people who stopped watching your Story before the end. You can calculate this by taking the reach statistic for your first slide and subtracting from this the reach statistic for your last slide. Divide this number by the first slide's reach.



Instagram is currently testing a change that may affect its engagement metrics. It is removing Likes counts from posts, in an international test. It began this trial in Canada and has now expanded it to Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Italy, Japan, and Brazil.

根据Mia Garlick, Facebook Australia and New Zealand Director of Policy, "We hope this test will remove the pressure of how many likes a post will receive, so you can focus on sharing the things you love." The goal, she adds, is that users feel less judged.

That doesn’t mean that you can't find your engagement analytics, however. The Likes simply don't show on individual posts for everybody to see. The data continues to be available on Instagram Insights for the account holder. Also, you can still see the list of people who liked other people's content by clicking into it.
