
As influencers are becoming more popular, brands are looking for new ways to work with them in digital marketing channels other than social media. In this article, we will look at one of those channels - email marketing. This guide will cover how to work with influencers through email marketing.





What makes influencers different from viral celebrities is that they have intentionally spent time growing an online audience and building a brand. They have credibility within their industry that businesses looking to boost awareness and drive sales can tap into.

与影响者合作is one of the most effective marketing strategies for many brands. Here are some stats to prove this:

74%of marketers rate the quality of customers and traffic from influencer marketing as better than other marketing sources.

Influencer Marketing provides a5X or better ROI

42%of consumers depend on influencer recommendations before making purchase decisions and consumers are more likely to purchase if they trust the influencer.

These are just some of the stats that show the effectiveness of influencer marketing. Next, let's see its benefits.


1. Builds Trust and Authority

When a social media influencer, industry expert, or celebrity associates with a brand or shares content about that brand’s products, it provides credibility to the business they are promoting. The reason behind this is simple. If a brand can get a popular and authoritative person to work with them, it gives consumers the perception that the business is trustworthy and an industry leader.


有影响力的人可以帮助品牌显著增加their brand reach because these influencers often have thousands, and even millions, of loyal followers that regularly engage with their content. By partnering with influencers, more people will learn about your brand and what you have to offer.

3. Effectively Reach Your Target Audience

With influencer marketing, brands can easily reach out to their target audience because influencers already have the attention of the individuals that brand wants to sell to. The key is to work with relevant influencers for your industry or niche. The next step after this will be to create the right marketing messages and influencer content that will drive customers to take the desired action.


消费者一直在寻求影响者有关购买哪些产品和服务的建议。因此,与您的品牌相关影响者合作可以帮助推动销售。在2016年的一项研究中40%的参与者说,他们购买后er seeing a social media influencer use the product. If one of the objectives of your marketing campaigns is to increase sales, influencer marketing can help reach your goal.

5. Gain Access to Gen Z and Millennial Consumers

Gen Z and millennials make a huge percentage of the market buying power. In 2020, Gen Z accounted for 40% of all customers in the market. While millennials were worth2020年约有1.24万亿美元. Brands that want to see significant growth will have to develop strategies to reach this audience. And this is where influencer marketing comes into play. Research from Kantar shows thatZ Gen人口的44%has made a purchase decision based on the recommendation of a social media influencer. Both millennials and Gen Z trust influencers because they perceive them as real and authentic.

Different Types of Influencers with Examples


1. Mega Influencers

这些人在社交媒体上有数百万追随者。它们通常比有影响力的更为著名。他们不一定是特定行业中的专家,只是非常受欢迎,只能在一篇文章中为品牌提供很多覆盖范围。他们也非常昂贵。(查出how much influencers cost in 2021)

An example of a mega influencer is Kylie Jenner. With over 233 million followers on Instagram, she is rumoured to charge up to $1 million per sponsored post.

While a million dollars is a lot, mega influencers will argue that they are worth the cost since one post from them can put your brand in front of tens of millions of potential customers.


2. Macro Influencers

Macro influencers usually rise to influencer status through web-based activities like blogging or podcasting; as opposed to celebrities that make up the mega influencers category. Mega influencers are actors, singers, TV stars, and footballers. Their followers are made up of a diverse audience with interest in different topics. Mega influencers aren't necessarily subject matter experts unlike macro influencers that are often thought leaders and authority figures in their industry. Macro influencers can be popular bloggers, podcasters, vloggers, and social media stars. Their audience size is usually between 100,000 and a few million followers.

宏观影响者的一个很好的例子是营销人员和博客作者尼尔·帕特尔(Neil Patel)。尼尔(Neil)成为世界上顶级数字营销商之一,他的名字就取名了。他经营着一个受欢迎的营销博客和播客节目,在那里他教育观众。

Macro influencers are best when you want to target a specific audience. They have a sizable following to help you increase brand awareness and reach. They are also significantly cheaper to work with than mega influencers.



A good example of a micro-influencer is Miette Dierckx. She is a food and travel influencer with just over 35k Instagram followers. Coca-cola worked with Dierckx and11 other Belgian influencers促进其原始的可乐饮料。

4. Loyalists





Incorporate Customer Testimonials and Reviews


In the email above from Ritual, multiple customers write about their positive experience with the brand. The heading of the email also works - “Transparency is our kind of thing…”. They made sure to let the readers know that the reviews are from real customers.

Partner With Micro-Influencers

Even though micro-influencers have a smaller following, their followers are often more engaged. Micro-influencers are also more closely linked to your audience than mega or macro-influencers; your consumers see them more like peers than influencers. They are seen as more authentic because they are more likely to use the product they are promoting. And this is very important because85%消费者说,真实性在确定他们支持哪些品牌方面起着重要作用。


在上面的电子邮件中,J.Crew为Sylvana Durrett提供了儿童服装网站的共同创始人。她以自己的风格而闻名。她在Vogue工作了14年,并在Instagram上拥有20,000多名关注者。在电子邮件中,她向读者展示了他们可以在豹纹上打出J.Crew的Tie Waist裙子的三种方式。

Use Influencers to Promote Email Subscriptions


The welcome email plays a crucial role in determining the success of this particular influencer marketing strategy. Some users might just open the email for the special offer and then abandon your brand. So, it's important that you写一封迷人的欢迎电子邮件.

Create Product Collaborations with Influencers



In this example, Fender musical instrument makers collaborated with musician Britt Daniel Tele to create his guitar line called Thinline. In the email, there is a great quote from Britt that explains why he collaborated with the brand. Guitar lovers and fans of Britt will also want a ‘good sounding instrument’. This is a great example of a collaboration between a brand and an influencer.

Use Built-In Brand Influencers

If you have employees in your brand that are already popular in your niche, use them. Your readers already know them and will engage more with emails that include them. This strategy works well in welcome emails. You can add a quote and an image of the influencer to help boost your credibility.

For some brands, their CEO and co-founders are already influential on social media. Check out this welcome email from Food52. It has a welcome message from co-founders Amanda Hesser and Merill Stubbs. The pair are known within the food niche. Amanda has 53K followers on Instagram and Merill has close to 9k followers.



Include Share Buttons in Your Email

This is a simple but effective way to将社交媒体集成到您的电子邮件营销中. At the bottom of your email, include share buttons of the social media platforms where your target audience spends most of their time.小费:为了确保读者在社交媒体上共享,请在“共享”按钮旁边添加一个提示,要求他们这样做。

Turn the Email Message into Other Forms of Content

Not all of your target audience will be on your email list. So instead you can reach out to them through other digital channels like blogs and podcasts. Collaborate with the influencers to create alternative forms of content. For example, you can create interview-style content just for podcasts.



If you are ready to start working with influencers, here are some tips to help you choose the right one(s):

Understand What You Are Looking For Before You Start

It is important that you work with influencers that have the same values as your brand. You don't want to work with an influencer that will paint your brand in a negative light in the future. While you cannot control every post an influencer you are working with will update, you will have a good idea of what to expect from them by going through how they already use social media.

For example, if you are a brand that supports transparency and diversity, you will want an influencer that promotes these values. Take your time to review your brand's values before starting your search.

Criteria For Choosing an Influencer To Work With


订婚:This is a very important metric to look out for. Do their followers respond, comment, and share their posts? Some influencers have thousands of followers with little or no engagement. This could be because their followers are bots, they don't deliver great content, or they are假影响者那支付了追随者。寻找具有良好参与的影响者。参与度越高,您的竞选活动就会越多。



Influencer marketing platforms:这些平台可以188滚球地址帮助您轻松找到适合品牌的影响者。您可以使用诸如类别,覆盖范围,参与度等过滤器等过滤器搜索有影响力的人。有些平台甚至使您可以执行有影响力的外展,运行广告系列并在一个地方跟踪您的进度。188滚球地址

Google Alerts:设置与您品牌相关的关键字的警报。Google将帮助您找到有关与您的主题或产品有关的主题的人。通过浏览这些警报,您可能会发现合适的品牌拥护者。



与影响者合作可以大大提高电子邮件营销活动的投资回报率。关键是与与您的品牌相关的影响者合作。花点时间研究影响者,然后才与他们合作。另外,请注意他们的社交媒体指标like engagement, number of real followers, and reach.

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