


Many of thetop streamerssupplement their Twitch income by what they earn from professional gaming, with a combination of prize and sponsorship money.

How to Make Money Streaming Videos on Twitch:

抽搐会员and Partners

Once you establish yourself on Twitch, you have two programs you can join to help you monetize your channel.



The lower level is a Twitch Affiliate. To qualify to join the Affiliate Program, you need to meet four criteria:

  • 在过去30天中流式流至少八个小时
  • Steam on at least seven days in the last 30 days
  • Receive an average of three viewers per stream
  • Grow your audience to 50 followers

Once you meet these criteria, Twitch automatically invites you to become an Affiliate.

作为您的会员申请的一部分,您需要为亚马逊提供税收详细信息和Twitch向您发送资金的方式 - 例如,通过您的PayPal帐户。


  • 您可以从订阅中赚钱
  • People can pay you Bits
  • 您可以通过销售游戏和游戏中的物品来赚取收入

Twitch says that Affiliates will be able to receive money from advertising in a future update.


Twitch合作伙伴计划针对该平台最好的流媒体 - 顶级视频游戏广播公司,个性,联赛,团队和锦标赛。

与会员计划不同,Twitch Partnership计划是独有的。他们邀请您,而不是您申请成为合作伙伴(尽管您可以通过要求您来启动该过程)。Twitch并未设定有关他们如何选择合作伙伴的发布标准。他们确实说他们评估了潜在伙伴的渠道:

  • 内容 - Twitch希望他们的合作伙伴为观众提供最佳的内容。它将将观众带到频道,吸引他们,保留观看并推动收入。Twitch期望随着他作为广播公司的技能和艺人的提高,彩带的观众会增长
  • 平均并发收视率 - 想要观看您的人越多,您必须越受欢迎。Twitch还着眼于您的行为和与社区的互动。Twitch注意到了流媒体在其其他社交平台上的关注点 - 因此,多平台影响者很可能会在Twitch上找到成功。188滚球地址
  • 流频率和时间表 - Twitch更喜欢他们的合作伙伴在预定时间每周至少播放3次。

Twitch寻找拥有大量收视率的广播公司,他们建立了自己积极的子社区 - 换句话说,有影响力的人。但是,他们的计算中不包括追随者号码。


  • 通过每月订阅产生额外的收入
  • Create a custom subscriber-only badge
  • Create custom subscriber-only emotes your subscribers can use site-wide
  • Lock the chat on your channel for subscribers-only
  • 从慢模式中排除订户
  • 限制访问您的广播档案
  • Restrict access to video quality
  • 在您的流中运行广告(并设置您希望它们的操作方式)
  • 选择您希望关闭广告查看或为订户留下

Twitch分支机构和合作伙伴都可以赚取Twitch Bits


When a viewer buys a Bit, he is purchasing an animated GIF which he can use in your channel. If you are an Affiliate or Partner, Twitch will pay you one cent for every Bit somebody uses in your chatroom.


您可以使用特殊警报(使用声音和图形)显示何时在您的频道中使用位。抽搐奖励观众在聊天室中使用一些特殊徽章和其他激励措施的观众。您还可以在流中添加一个Smartlabs Tip Jar小部件,该小部件显示了一个空玻璃填充的图像,因为人们在您的频道上使用钻头。这鼓励他们使用更多的钻头“填满”您的玻璃杯。

Twitch Subscriptions



Both Affiliates and Partners are permitted to charge subscriptions. As you need at least fifty followers to become an Affiliate, there would be little point somebody less popular trying to earn money through subscriptions.


If you watch Twitch streams for a while, you might notice signs pop up on the screens saying that somebody has bought (or renewed their subscription). Streamers can set these alerts up as encouragement to gamers who love to see their name on the screen.

One oddity with Twitch is only people watching on the Twitch website can subscribe – not those on the mobile or console apps. Therefore you should occasionally remind your app viewers to go to the website to subscribe.




Some streamers give an incentive to subscribe by providing them with ad-free viewing. This works fine, as long as you receive sufficient extra subscribers to make up for the loss of ad-watching viewers.





Apart from Bits (which are a type of mini-donation), Twitch does not directly support donations, so you need to set up your own link using PayPal or something similar.

Image source: Patreon

如果您想从网站请求捐款Patreonyou need to go there first and create a profile. You can link to your Patreon profile from Twitch, as well as your social media accounts.

Affiliate Links




Selling Games and In-Game Items

一个相对较新的选择使Twitch Partners可以从其页面上出售游戏和游戏中的项目,并获得5%的收入份额。


If a viewer clicks on the box and makes a purchase, then you receive 5% of the revenue if you are a Partner. This is automatic and requires no input from the Partner.

The sales box appears on the pages of all streamers who play relevant games, but only Partners receive a portion of the proceeds.

Selling Merchandise


还邀请合作伙伴在官方的Twitch T恤商店中出售他们的T恤。


Although Twitch is not as well-known as many other video and social media sites, it does have one advantage. It has keen, enthusiastic viewers, who stay on-site for a long time, and who follow their preferred streamers with a passion.



Brands have now discovered how relevant Twitch is to gamers, and have found that it may be an excellent place to set up sponsorship deals.

Obviously, gaming companies benefit from sponsoring the elite players of their game. If a company sells a product to “gamer-type people,” they will benefit from engaging in Twitch sponsorship. It is common to see sponsorship deals from companies that sell computer hardware, accessories, phones, websites, food, drinks, takeaways, fashion labels, and much more.

Sponsorship deals are made outside of Twitch, so it does not matter whether a streamer is a Partner, and Affiliate, or just an average streamer. Brands will, of course, prefer to work with people who are influencers, so in most cases, they will opt for broadcasters with a decent following.

Every firm will have its own expectations for what they receive in return for their sponsorship money. It might be as simple as the influencer wearing a particular t-shirt. Sometimes a gamer may be expected to be proactive in promoting a company’s products.


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