Live Streaming

Live streaming is a social media feature on platforms likeFacebookandInstagramthat invites brands and users to share unedited, raw footage in real time.

As audiences began to crave greater authenticity for brands, raw and genuine video grew in popularity.80%的客户现在说他们宁愿观看现场视频也不愿阅读公司的博客。


Live streaming is an effective, impactful way to accomplish any goals and objectives you want to accomplish. Live streaming can be used to promote and announce your new products and services, announce big company news, teach an online class, and more. Live streaming gives brands the opportunity to reach and interact with millions of people across the world.

Here are some other significant benefits of video live streaming services:

  • You have a wider audience potential.物理事件通常仅限于给定场地可用的空间。但是,通过实时流媒体,您可以邀请尽可能多的人“参加”您的活动。有时人们有兴趣参加特定活动,但是由于工作承诺或增加费用,他们无法亲自参加。实时流媒体播放您的活动可以使您的内容可以访问这些人,否则您将无法接触。
  • Richer content use.Live broadcasting isn’t solely restricted to live video and audio streaming services. You have the flexibility to use a variety of forms of content and multimedia, including pictures, text, and live chat. You can even access different presentation methodologies.
  • It provides ease and convenience.A common myth about live streaming is that it’s too difficult and technical for the average person to pull off. On the contrary, live streaming can be deceptively simple. All you need are relevant video and audio equipment, an Internet connection, an encoder, and a trusty streaming platform.
  • Provide reliable customer support.实时流是推广现场问答环节的好方法。使用实时流媒体服务意味着如果出现意外的技术问题,您将有人支持您。可靠的实时流服务将为您提供持续的客户支持,并将指导您遇到的任何困难。
  • Live streaming is affordable.There are many free video live streaming services, but free services usually entail spam-filled pop-up ads that irritate your viewers. Professional streaming services are better for businesses, and many aren’t as expensive as you might imagine.

Optimizing your live streams

  • Make sure your ethernet connection is in tip-top shape.Switching from WiFi to a wired LAN can vastly improve connection speed and therefore the quality and reliability of your live stream.
  • Interact with your viewers.While you have tons to offer your viewers, they will most likely want to offer something back. Having the ability to ask questions, make comments and interact with you, plus the other viewers, can have a profound impact on your live stream.
  • Backup everything.Backing up your live stream lets you create Video on Demand (VoD) files and playlists afterwards that can be accessed by your viewers at any time. This is a great way to continue to build viewership as now anyone can watch a broadcast they missed or previous ones broadcast before they realized that they adore you.
  • Plan ahead.There are tons of things that can and will go wrong during a live broadcast, but being prepared for every situation is crucial in producing a successful stream.
  • Stay organized.Keep cables from being tangled up to prevent things from becoming unplugged during the broadcast. Having a game plan will also help keep you on schedule and concise when live streaming.
  • 测试您的广播。Run a full test, preferably at the venue where you are going to stream the real thing, and check for any sound, lighting, or encoder problems. Cameras, microphones, and other equipment will also be crucial to check before you go live. You don’t want to have your viewers not able to hear you because of a faulty microphone.
  • Effectively close your unused programs and applications.If your stream is running really slow or is choppy, try closing all unused programs on your computer, including anti-virus. Make sure you haven’t just minimized them but clicked on Close, Exit, or Disable. You can also use the Task Manager (Windows only) to close programs that the system cannot.