Keyword Frequency

Google算法旨在检测关键字填充,这是一种黑帽搜索引擎优化实践,可能导致罚款。会心keyword frequencyis, therefore, essential to all your onlinecontent marketingendeavors as it helps you optimize your web pages without compromising the quality of your content.

What Is Keyword Frequency?

Keyword frequency,which is also called keyword density, refers to the number of times a search term appears on a piece of content.

Finding the right keyword balance is an important part of yoursearch engine optimizationstrategy. If your content doesn’t have enough keywords, you might have trouble ranking on search engine results pages, especially when you’re using competitive keywords. On the other hand, if your content contains too many keywords, it might get you in trouble with Google.

How to Calculate Keyword Frequency

将关键字出现在页面上的次数除以总单词计数。将结果乘以100,您将得到答案。这意味着一个800字的文章,其搜索词出现10次keyword frequencyof 1.25%.

There are also online SEO tools that can help you calculate it, especially for long-form digital media such as whitepapers and blog posts.

Why Does It Matter?

Google and other search enginealgorithmsare smarter than ever before. Part of their job is to ensure that web pages provide relevant and valuable content for people. Calculating and testing thekeyword frequencyof your content will help you prevent over-optimization and under-optimization.


  • Ensure your visibility

The number of keywords you add to a web page or a paid ad will affect its visibility. It determines how well search engines will be able to find your content. In turn, it affects how well people will be able to find you organically.

  • Improve user experience

一个dding too many unnecessary keywords hurts the user experience. You can improve it by creating high-value content and sprinkling relevant keywords throughout the page. In turn, you can reduce bounce rates and drive conversions.

  • 提升搜索排名

Google values user experience more than the number of search queries on a page. Knowing how to calculate yourkeyword frequencyenables you to avoid keyword stuffing.

  • 一个void penalties

Checking your keyword usage will help you avoid Google penalties, which may include ranking demotions or the full removal of your content from search listings.

How to Determine the Right Keyword Frequency

There is no ideal number. Most digital marketers stick to 1% or 2%. However, even that isn’t true for all. The best way to determine the rightkeyword frequencyfor a piece of content is by performing regular tests.

Testing your web pages will help you determine how your keywords influence their rank. By conducting regular A/B tests, you can determine when a web page needs more or fewer keywords.

To determine the appropriate keyword density for your web pages, test the current performance of your content. Take note of the metrics before doing other tests. You can add or remove keywords to determine how yourkeyword frequency影响您的网页排名。根据结果​​,您可以进行必要的调整,以确保您的页面性能良好。


Google penalizes websites that use too many keywords to manipulate the search rankings of their content. Instead of stuffing your web pages with your keywords, aim for keyword balance.

Here are a couple of strategic ways that can help you maintain optimal keyword balance.

  • 确定关键字放置

Place keywords strategically throughout your content as this will help you rank better on SERPs. Integrate your keywords into the URL, meta description, title tag, H1 tags, and H2 tags. You can also add your chosen keywords into your content, preferably at the beginning and end of the article.

  • 一个dd keyword variations


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