
B2Bis short forbusiness-to-business. In aB2B模型,公司为其他企业而不是个人消费者生产商品和服务。它可用于描述传统和在线商务。

Compared to a business-to-consumer model, theB2Bsales process is longer and more complex. The merchant usually has to go through multiple departments within their prospective buyer before they land a sale. A transaction can take weeks or several months, depending on the size of the order and the purchasing company.

B2Btransactions have a higher dollar value than B2C transactions. That’s because businesses tend to buy higher-priced goods in larger quantities than individual consumers. To minimize risks, buyers often request prototypes before the sale.

Here are some of the customers ofB2B公司:

  • Government agencies
  • 机构市场(例如医院和学校)
  • 将产品转售给消费者的公司
  • Companies that transform goods into other products

Characteristics of B2B (Business to Business)

AB2Bcompany usually has these characteristics:

  • Has few buyers
  • 每个买家接受大量订单
  • More departments or people are involved in the sales process
  • Target consumers are easy to segment
  • Buyers are highly knowledgeable and professional


There’s a myriad of misconceptions surrounding theB2Bmarket, especially when it comes toB2B电子商务。有时,这些误解会导致公司落后于他们的富裕竞争。

  • B2B buyers don’t want to order goods or services online

Millennials are now making purchasing decisions in companies large and small. Unlike the boomers or Gen X, they prefer conducting extensive research online before making any decision. They value digital experiences, such as reviews, interactive content, webinars, and case studies. They also prefer streamlined digital experiences.

ForB2Bcompanies to succeed in this modern business landscape, they must acknowledge and adapt to the generational differences of buying committees.

  • Online stores prevent customization


Next time that customer orders, they won’t have to go through your custom quoting engine again. They can simply select the checkout item that’s made for them.

  • Buyers don’t accept dynamic pricing

The modern business landscape has become more vulnerable to price fluctuations.B2Bbuyers do understand that prices may change from day to day, which makes price transparency more valuable today.

B2Bcompanies can use algorithms to provide fair and consistent pricing. These algorithms consider factors such as cost, demand, and supply to come up with price information.

  • 买家只关注价格

Another common misconception aboutB2Bis that selling online drives commoditization and buyers zero in on just the price point. Sure, technology has made it more convenient for buyers to compare prices from various sellers. While some buyers will cherry-pick potential vendors, others will see the value in collaborative partnerships.

Instead of catering to transactional buyers, create an e-commerce strategy that nurtures your relationship with existing consumers.

Types of B2B (Business to Business) Marketing

通过使用权利与您的目标业务受众联系B2B营销策略。这是最有价值的arketing tools forB2B公司。

  • Email

电子邮件仍然是有价值的营销工具。例如,您可以将它们用作您的一部分内容营销广告系列。与B2C消费者不同,您的B2Baudience responds more to content centered on money or time. They also prefer relevant business resources.

  • 社交媒体

Using a mix of paid and organicsocial media marketingstrategies, you can target C-suite executives and otherB2Bbuyers who are looking for potential vendors online. Social media is a powerful marketing tool for establishing a brand personality and raising brand awareness. Plus, by maintaining an active social media presence, you can respond faster to the queries of prospective buyers.

  • 视频

EvenB2Bbuyers find videos entertaining, engaging, and educational. Instead of using platforms like YouTube or Facebook, you should target LinkedIn or Vimeo, which attracts more business-minded professionals.

  • Whitepapers

Offer downloadable whitepapers and e-books to establish yourself as an authoritative figure in your niche. You can also use these free resources as incentives to encourage prospects to subscribe to your email newsletter.

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