主题标签跟踪器 - 实时主题标签跟踪工具[免费]

Ultimately, successful marketing tells the world that you are the best at what you do. You use marketing to show potential customers why you are the best choice for them. Successful branding, on the other hand, works the opposite way. If you create a successful brand, your customers will tell you (and anybody else who will listen) why you are perfect for solving their problems. Positive brand mentions, therefore, can provide excellent proof you can use for your marketing campaigns. They also make your marketing task easier. Why invest so heavily in promoting yourself when your customers happily market for you?


Services Offered:Audience Segmentation, Competitive Analysis, Configurable Alerts, Customer Engagement, Dashboard, Influencer Tracking, Reputation Management, Sentiment Analysis, Trend Tracking, Visual Analytics, Media Monitoring, Brand Management, Hashtag Tracking, PDF reports, Influence Score, Presence Score, Newsletter Monitoring, Trending Links,

Channels:Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Tik Tok,YouTube,播客,图像,视频,Pinterest,Social,Reddit,Quora,新闻通讯,博客,论坛,评论,新闻,新闻,电视成绩单

Hashtag Tracking and Brand Monitoring Guide:



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A hashtag is just a word or phrase preceded by the #-symbol. The word or phrase would generally be some keyword or term that interests a group of people. In the case of branded hashtags, the keyword/term is a word or phrase related to a brand, often a marketing slogan, such as #ShareACoke (by Coca-Cola), #MyCalvins (by Calvin Klein), or #NationalFriedChickenDay (by KFC).

社交帖子中第一次使用主题标签是在2007年的Twitter上。Twitter的用户Chris Messina发送了一条推文,建议人们使用#-Symbol进行组。






It is far better if you know of any concerns about your brand. You can resolve the problems you know about. However, you can't fix issues you don't know to exist, and your inaction can itself be looked upon negatively.

通过跟踪您的品牌提及,您可以更好地了解客户对产品的感觉。即使是负面的,它也可能是有用的反馈。它甚至可以帮助突出显示您的产品开发的优先级better meet your customer's needs

What is Brand Perception?



但是,在许多方面,品牌知觉与徽标,颜色和图像等可控方面一样重要。如果人们对品牌造成负面看法,这些意义不大。人们不购买您的产品,因为他们喜欢您的徽标。由于风格包装和美学,消费者可以购买一次您的产品。但是除非产品满足他们的expectations,他们相信你的客户服务是the mark.

Better Understanding Your Customers' Point of View

Too many firms develop their products and services isolated from their customer base. They are often production-driven – designing and making a product and then trying to sell that product to a wary public. Marketing-driven companies usually work in reverse. They try and develop a product that better meets the needs of a particular niche of society. Product-driven companies start with the product and then try and find suitable customers. Market-driven firms begin with a preferred type of customer and then try and find a suitable product that they believe will be of value to that group.



You might even find unintentional side effects of your product (both positive and negative). More than one product has become best known for its意想不到的用法。一些示例包括:

1。Texting- 发短信最初是由手机公司开发的,以使客户知道任何网络问题。但是,客户否则决定了,并开始互相发送消息。

2. Kleenex- 该公司打算将其产品作为一次性毛巾,用于卸妆。但是,他们收到了许多品牌提及(在互联网之前的日子里),他们的产品非常适合吹鼻子。


Unfiltered Feedback

许多品牌提及是产品的未经过滤的迷你审查 - 一些积极的,有些负面的,几乎都是对公司反思,产品开发和客户服务改善的价值。公司可以使用它们不断改善其组织的运作方式。




Therefore, some brand mentions will be more relevant to you than others. For example, Snapchat will probably be unconcerned whenever they hear an "old person" (i.e., somebody over 30) complaining online that they can't understand who would be interested in disappearing photo messages. However, they probably listened carefully when their typical customers complained about their new interface a while back.

If you know your customers and how they perceive your brand, you can act to improve the situation. If a problem has been expressed via social media, it makes sense for brands to try and resolve any issue there too. Social media is one of the easiest ways to change brand perception.
了解您的客户的另一个原因是,它使他们更容易去他们的位置。如果您的客户在Twitter上花费时间,那么您也应该在那里看到。如果您喜欢时尚或美丽,it is a no-brainer tohave a professional well-presented Instagram account, easily visible to all you deal with.If you target a younger customer base, you should be sharing short videos on TikTok.如果您是其中的一部分或至少了解它们的对话,则监视有关品牌的对话要容易得多。


根据Maritz和Evolve24进行的研究,超过70%的公司忽略了Twitter上的投诉。Twitter现在可能没有Facebook或Instagram的范围,但它仍然是一个主要的社交网络,大量的人都在观看每条推文。然而,大多数公司只是忽略了他们在媒体上收到的投诉 - 的确,除非他们使用他们可能不知道其存在的社会监控软件。



You first need to consider what terms you are going to want to monitor. Ideally, this should be more than just your company name. You should considerwatching任何:

  • 品牌关键字和常见变体(例如,苹果,iPhone,iPad,MacBook)
  • Product names (e.g., iPad Pro, iPad Air, and iPad Mini)
  • Campaign names (e.g., Shot on iPhone)
  • 特定于行业的关键字(例如5G,国际漫游)
  • Product features and functions (e.g., iCloud, Siri)
  • 竞争者关键字(例如,Android,三星)
  • C-Suite和品牌公共人物(例如,Tim Cook,Steve Jobs)

您可以使用“Google警报”。Each day Google will send you an email alerting you to cases where websites have mentioned your brand. Google Alerts will only send you a small subset of your brand mentions, however. There can also be quite a time lag between the mention and the reference to it appearing in your inbox. But it is free, of course.

Paid Tools You can Use to Monitor Hashtags and Your Brand's Reputation

There are various paidtools you can use有关更详细且全面的品牌监控。这些包括:

1。Brand24- 您可以使用Brand 24在互联网上监视您的品牌或产品。它包括一个功能强大的主题标签跟踪搜索工具,具有主题标签跟踪和主题标签分析。

2。BrandMentions- 品牌仪式可帮助您跟踪品牌的所有在线提及。它包括竞争对手间谍,品牌监控,声誉管理和媒体监控。它将帮助您确定自定义标签的有效性。

3。谈话人士– Talkwalker includes hashtag analysis in its Social Media Analysis module. It contains full hashtag and campaign tracking, providing data relating to shares, reach, engagement, and mentions. You can use it for real-time monitoring of selected hashtags.

4。YouScan- YouScan专注于分析社交媒体的提及,并包括图像分析。尽管它并未单独参考其网站上的标签跟踪,但您可以使用它来监视提及所选的主题标签。

5。BuzzSumo- 您可以使用Buzzsumo在社交媒体上查看“什么是嗡嗡声”。您可以搜索特定的主题标签,以在各种社交渠道中看到它们的受欢迎程度,而Buzzsumo列出了他们最经常出现的社交帖子。

6。Meltwater – Meltwater includes a social listening component. It scours data from various sources, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, blogs, podcasts, consumer review sites, and more. You can search for as many different keywords, brand names, or hashtags as you like.

7.NetBase – NetBase Quid is a consumer and market intelligence platform. It delivers contextual insights to reveal business trends, connect with consumers, and understand the story behind competitors and the market. One component of that is your brand health. NetBase helps you understand your brand health and consumer perception through the eyes of your consumers and the media.

8.Brandwatch – Brandwatch is a digital intelligence platform. Monitor mentions of your brand online to understand customer perception, spot changes in sentiment, and measure brand visibility – all in real-time.

9.Digimind Social- Digimind提供了情报软件,可帮助您完全了解消费者见解,竞争环境和市场趋势。您可以衡量品牌声誉,检测和预测危机,并分析品牌知觉以调整品牌策略。

10.Synthesio - Synthesio是支持AI的消费者智能,可在不断变化的世界中取得成功。他们的社交听力仪表板将社交速度与市场研究方法的信任结合在一起。跟踪世界各地的实时对话

11。CYFE - CYFE提供多合一的业务仪表板来监视和可视化您的业务。

12。锁孔– Keyhole is a powerful monitoring tool. Brands can use it to measure the impact of social media campaigns through social media reporting, social mention tracking, keyword tracking, social media, and event monitoring. It offers real-time metrics on any hashtag you can think of.

13。提到– Mention offers real-time monitoring, along with competitive analysis, social media management, custom insights, and automated reports. It uses tags to help you categorize content, making it easier to manage alerts. Tagging can be automated based on keywords you're tracking.

14。Awario - Awario是一种社交听力工具,可为品牌洞悉其客户,市场和竞争对手。您可以使用它来监视Twitter,Facebook,Reddit,YouTube,Instagram,博客,论坛,新闻和网络上的品牌提及。

15。声誉学 - 声誉学是一个评论监控和管理平台,可帮助企业监视,响应和分析其在线评论。它提供24/7的评论监控。您可以使用其语义分析技术分析客户情绪,以将评论和反馈从可行的数据中转换为非结构化内容。

16。评论 - 评论是在线声誉和评论管理软件。它提供了多合一的访问,可以通过仪表板,详细的分析和独特的自定义来管理您的在线声誉,以量身定制,更快且稳定。

17.Hashtagify – you can use Hashtagify to search real-time data and insights about any hashtag on Twitter: popularity ranking, related hashtags, trends, and much more. You can track any hashtag on Twitter.

18.Hashtracking – Hashtracking includes eight features dedicated to helping you learn as much as possible about hashtags that interest you. Amongst other services, you can use it to track hashtags in real-time.

19.RITETAG - 您可以使用Ritetag查看您在推文中使用的主题标签和其他社交帖子是否与您相关。它现在为Instagram和Pinterest的图像提供了建议

20。社交材料 - 社交者是跟踪主题标签,关键字和社交帐户的一种麻烦方式。输入标签,关键字,@Mention等,该工具将生成自动报告,使您可以更好地了解有效和无法正常工作的内容。

21。Tagboard – Tagboard gives you a quick, visual snapshot of how a hashtag is used across multiple platforms. It also shows you hashtags linked to the one you searched for.

22.TRACKMYHASHTAG - 您可以使用TrackMyHashTag实时跟踪任何Twitter主题标签,关键字或@Account提及,并在在线仪表板上查看结果。它可以帮助您衡量Twitter主题标签广告系列(以及竞争对手的)的影响力。



So far, we have looked at the best practices for tracking how other people use your branded hashtags. But how should you use them yourself? What are the best practices for using hashtags in your social posts?



1。Creating and using your branded hashtags to promote your brand and products. As we have discussed above, you can track your branded hashtags, just as you can track mentions of your brand, to gain insight into how people look at you and perceive your brand image



  • To create brand awareness
  • To increase the visibility of their content
  • 为了使跟踪和分析其内容的成功变得更加容易
  • 促进他们的社交参与
  • 增加受众的参与
  • 宣传特定的活动,通常使用定制的品牌标签
  • To help launch a product
  • 作为比赛或比赛的一部分


虽然已经有许多成功的品牌custom hashtags, there have been many abject failures; hashtags ignored by all except a few hardy supporters, and even worse, hashtags that people have ridiculed for their insensitivity. You need to consider a few points when selecting a branded hashtag.



Ideally, you should break up each word in a hashtag with a capital letter. Using the Cheerios example above, notice how much easier it is to read #CheeriosHeartHuntSweepstakes than it is #cheerioshearthuntsweepstakes or #CHEERIOSHEARTHUNTSWEEPSTAKES.

与此相关的,您需要考虑一些words combine and any unintentional word combinations you make, particularly if you don't capitalize the first letter of every word. The classic failure here was when the promoters of singer Susan Boyle's music tweeted about a new album using the hashtag #susanalbumparty. Instead of increasing the singer's popularity, it resulted in ridicule because of the unfortunate juxtaposition of unintended words within the tag. At the very least, they should have broken it up with capital letters, making the intended message clearer, e.g., #SusanAlbumParty. Better still, they should have rethought their strategy and used a different combination of words. While hashtag tracking software will clearly have shown much increased interest in the promotor's hashtag, it is debatable whether it led to increased album sales.
