
YouTube最近的一些行为使创作者质疑他们是否正在尝试减少货币化机会。However, they have also introduced a few features that give legitimate creators improved opportunities to make money on the video platform. One of these, launched in January 2017, is YouTube Super Chat.





除YouTube Super Chat外,YouTube还提供了一个API,该API允许开发人员从系统中访问实时购买数据。


YouTube Super Chat: Everything you Should Know


Most users of Super Chat will be Super Fans – channel followers prepared to pay creators to gain their attention. The problem with popular YouTube creators (and indeed high-profile influencers across all social networks) is that fans can feel distant and remote. These people simply have too many followers to be able to interact with them meaningfully.



Fans who use Super Chat gain an advantage, however. Their chats are visually separated from everyday chat messages. There is a chance that the broadcaster will notice these messages and reply in their livestream. YouTube Super Chat gives participants a foot up – they have a better opportunity to interact with their heroes than everybody else.

Even smaller broadcasters can benefit from encouraging the use of Super Chats, however. The more they promote upcoming livestreams, the more people are likely to attend. And if you can increase your visitor numbers to your live streams, the higher the likelihood that some of them will feel encouraged to donate to you via a Super Chat. It makes sense to promote your live stream in as many ways as possible – let all your other social followers know about the upcoming broadcast. Don’t forget your existing YouTube followers either. Promote your live stream as an event in the other videos you create and upload.




YouTube由Google拥有,并通过Google Ads。如果您还没有这样做,则需要设置一个帐户并将您的YouTube帐户附加到您的Google Ads帐户。进行超级聊天付款的“超级粉丝”可以支付1美元至500美元的任何金额。

You will notice, however, that you don’t get to keep all the revenue earned by Super Chat. YouTube/Google keeps about 30% of the money earned by YouTube Super Chat. The YouTube Super Chat Terms of Agreement states that “Except as otherwise agreed to in this Addendum and subject to Sections 5.1(c), 5.4 and 5.5 below, Google will pay to Provider an amount equal to 70% multiplied by the greater of: (A) Commerce Revenues, or (B) the Suggested Retail Price for the relevant Commerce Content (if applicable). Google will retain the remainder.” This amount includes the credit card processing fee YouTube must pay to the credit card companies.

Case Studies of YouTube Live with Super Chat

YouTube Live is sometimes used to host fundraisers. Super Chat provides an additional way to earn income.Streamgeeks为当地犯罪受害者中心举行了YouTube Live筹款活动。他们早些时候曾在切斯特县的CVC(犯罪受害者中心)的演出中获得了凯瑟琳·加斯特(Kathleen Gast),他们在现场表演中筹集了超过2,000美元。在这种情况下,他们想在YouTube直播中与超级聊天联系。最终,超级聊天活动获得了筹款活动776美元。



  • $ 1- $ 1.99捐赠触发了一个彩色气球
  • $2 - $4.99 donation triggered an emoji balloon blown up
  • $5 - $9.99 donation triggered a Star Wars balloon blown up
  • $ 10- $ 19.99的捐赠触发了泡泡机的使用
  • $ 10- $ 49.99捐赠触发了五彩纸屑大炮爆炸
  • $50 - $99.99 donation triggered a confetti cannon blast and a bubble machine use
  • $ 100捐赠触发了多摄像机五彩纸屑大炮慢莫




Broadcasters often use livestream to tell their story, which is particularly popular with fans who regularly watch their pre-filmed videos. If the viewers find the content valuable, they are more likely to make payments to encourage more.

They also allow YouTube influencers to reward their Super Fans. They can appear more approachable and less remote.



超级聊天正式针对18岁及以上的人 - 您需要一张信用卡才能支付。当然,许多孩子可以访问父母的信用卡,如果他们花费很大的话,这可能会导致问题。他们拥有自己的借记卡对他们来说更容易,尽管官方年龄又是18岁,但许多年轻的青少年都有这些卡,经常附上学生帐户。

Unfortunately, there is also the possibility of trolling, with inappropriate comments and emoji. Of course, creators still have access to YouTube’s moderation tools, and creators can blacklist certain chat words and ban harassing viewers, but YouTube has been slow to flag inappropriate comments on videos in the past. Will they be any quicker with these chat streams? In some cases, the comments may match the views of the streamer, so are unlikely to be removed by him or her, but that doesn’t make them any less obnoxious.

According to福特汉姆·拉姆(Fordham Ram),不幸的是,该功能为YouTube较暗侧面的某些人产生了更大的声音。在匹兹堡发生的暴力事件导致11名犹太教堂死亡之后,超级聊天评论表现出令人难以置信的令人不安的反犹太评论。它们被置于极右翼YouTube创建者的现场直播上,该频道后来被YouTube永久删除。

弗拉德·萨洛夫(Vlad Salov)对他的谴责更加边缘:“如果YouTube评论臭,他们做什么,然后哟uTube live stream chats are positively radioactive in their toxicity.” Salov compares YouTube Super Chat to the payment systems on live porn chats: “When you pay to have another person perform your twisted little fantasies, the end result is usually a loss of dignity on all sides.”

在某些方面,超级聊天扭曲了YouTube Rivestream聊天的最初目的。这些是为了促进创作者与社区之间的关系。目的是使直播过程成为双向过程,而不仅仅是广播。超级聊天增加了一些观众(愿意和能够付款的观众)的状态。

There is also the inevitable problem in that the most money will be earned by broadcasters with the largest audiences. Yet, it is the smaller broadcasters who probably need the money most and would most appreciate the extra income.


What is super chat on YouTube?




How do you access super chat on YouTube?


  • 通过唱歌到打开超级聊天或超级贴纸
  • Click on monetization on the left menu
  • 在顶部菜单上,单击超级。遵循屏幕上的说明。

How many subscribers do you need to get super chat on YouTube?

