
SEO has been a buzzword among digital marketers for years now. It is something that everyone is talking about and searching for in the digital marketing community. I事实上,“ SEO”一词每月在Google上进行10k和100k搜索。这清楚地表明了人们的兴趣水平。

However, if you are someone who has not yet joined the SEO bandwagon and want to know what all the buzz is about, then you’ve reached the right place. After reading this post, you will know all your SEO basics and the science behind how it works.





This is a sustainable way of获得更多网站流量in the long run and is worth the effort. This is why marketers are so invested in SEO and spend so much time and effort on it.

The whole SEO game is a race to get your website’s landing pages to rank on a search engine’s first page of results for a particular search query.


Here’s exactly what you will see:


Let’s dissect these results one by one.

The first set of results are paid search ads that people pay for to get displayed right on top of Google SERP for this particular keyword.

接下来,您可以看到Google地图以及不同律师的业务清单。下一部分是Google的“ People也问”部分,其中显示了与此相关的其他搜索查询以及答案。

Finally, you see ten different organic search listings for your search query. These ten organic search listings are what people compete for when they invest in SEO.

对于任何给定的关键字,可能有成千上万的people who want to be among these ten search results on the first page of Google SERP. So, when you put efforts into SEO, this is the end result that you want.

Of course, you can rig the game and try to be listed in one of the three sections that were on top. However, ads cost a lot of money and can’t be run on a long-term basis, especially if you don’t have deep pockets. And, these are a part of搜索引擎营销(SEM)and not SEO.

You can definitely list yourself on Google My Business and try to be listed in the Google Maps section. This is a part of SEO called “local SEO” that is especially useful for local businesses, which is a topic for another time.



When a user types a search query into a search engine like Google, the search engine looks at millions of entries to show the most relevant search results in decreasing order of relevance. They have their own algorithms of how they do it and those often keep changing.






This is the process through which a search engine makes sense of the online content and stores and organises it.

For every online page, the search engine will try to understand the content and categorise it in the best possible manner. This way the search engine has a whole index or database of results that it can now display for the search queries that it gets.



SEO基础知识 - 如何使SEO为您工作


These SEO fundamentals or strategies form the basis of how you can make it work for you and get more organic traffic for your website. Use the strategies mentioned below to cover the basics of SEO for your website.


Backlinks basically mean the links from other websites in your niche that direct traffic to your website. People link to other websites to direct their users to other useful content or to give credit for some information that they cited from your website.

The more reputable the websites that link to you, the better it is for your own website’s reputation. That is why you should aim to get backlinks from high domain authority websites in your field.



We cannot emphasise the importance of relevant content enough when it comes to SEO. This is probably the most important criterion of all when it comes to improving your search rankings.

All search engines strive to show the most relevant results to their users. This is the number one criterion for all search engines. That is why you need to focus on improving the quality of your website content to win at SEO.




However, those people will not stay on your website and will leave as soon as they see that your content is not solving their purpose. Search engines catch on to such online behaviour and consider it while assessing relevance.




This is another very important criterion that search engines consider for ranking pages. How users are responding to your website.


  • Are they spending time on it or simply leaving from the landing pages?
  • How many people actually check out other pages on your website and not just the one they landed on?
  • 您的网页打开时间太长吗?
  • 人们在您的网站上浏览有多容易或困难?

It seems complicated, but it’s really not. It all boils down to simple and user-friendly website design.

SEO不仅与关键字和链接有关。SEO的整个方面都涉及网站设计和用户体验 - 技术SEO。许多初学者通常会忽略这一方面,而仅专注于关键字和链接。但是,如果不查看这方面,您的SEO计划也不完整。

Your goal should be to make it as easy for a person to navigate and browse through your website as possible. This might take some time to nail down, but it is worth the time and effort.

Links, content, and user experience are the three legs on which SEO stands. You get these right, and you’ve got all your bases covered.


现在,您知道了SEO的所有基础知识,您需要开始为您的网站实施这些基础。从SEO的三个基本原理开始 - 后链接,内容和用户体验 - 然后将其正确。

但是,您的工作尚未完成。一旦解决了这些方面,您就可以研究other SEO tacticsand strategies. SEO is not something that you do once and just expect it to last. This is a continuous effort and you should be ready to keep investing your time and effort in it in the long run.

All the best for your SEO initiatives!
