9 of the Most Effective Social Media Marketing Tips

如果社交媒体营销今年在您的营销组合中,那是一个明智的举动。你可以到达34.8亿users who’re spending nearly2小时23分钟a day on browsing social media content.

但是我们知道,社交媒体营销带来了自己的一系列挑战。这些包括ROI测量(根据58%of marketers), budget constraints (51%), and rapidly-changing trends (50%). To succeed with social media marketing, you need all the help you can get.



社交媒体市场营销Tips You Should Know


Whatever your target platforms are, the社交媒体提示below can accelerate your outreach efforts.


For asocial media marketing planto work, it needs to be backed by a data-driven strategy. Whether you already have a marketing plan ready or are in the process of drafting one, ask yourself the following questions:

  • 您的目标受众是谁?他们大部分时间都在哪里?
  • Who are your competitors? Where are they active?
  • 是否有一个重叠在上面的两个答案吗?帖前e are your target platforms.
  • 哪些策略在这些平台上效果很好?188滚球地址
  • What kind of content is most popular there?
  • How is your content going to stand out?

帖前e questions will help you formulate an effective marketing strategy. If you have a hard time answering these questions, you need to go back to the whiteboard and redesign your strategy.

您可以使用social media marketing tools研究您的受众,竞争对手,平台和内容类型。188滚球地址

2. Maintain Consistency in All Aspects


Social media marketing is not a one-off activity that you do as an afterthought. You need to prioritise it and make time for it in your daily routine. Internet users have short attention spans and they could very forget about you if you’re out of sight for too long.

You cancreate a content calendarto plan the timing and frequency of your social posts. Every platform’s algorithm is different and you can derive best returns if you adhere to their best practices.



You also need to keep your tone and quality consistent to inspire people to trust you. For this, you must first figure out your brand personality and your audience’s taste. Try to create a brand voice that matches your personality and appeals to your audience’s aesthetics.

For instance, Harley-Davidson, the popular motorcycle brand, has an aggressive, in-your-face tone which is reflected in their print and digital ads. Through their ad headlines and social captions, they challenge readers if they’re tough enough to handle a Harley.


The “spray and pray” approach doesn’t work on social media. You need to focus on audiences who have the inclination or potential to engage with your brand. They can be old or existing customers, website visitors, newsletter subscribers, or followers of relevant influencers/competitors.

You can even target random people who have expressed an interest in your brand by mentioning it in their social dialogue.社交听力工具可以帮助您跟踪所有品牌提及并了解其背景。使用这些见解,您可以为此人群创建更多目标消息传递。

4. Always Be On-Trend



重要的是要保持social media marketing trendsthat are expected to dominate your target platforms. You can use tools likeBuzzsumoandSocial Animalto curate trending content and topics for your posts.

Another option is to compile a list of sites/pages that always have high-quality, updated content related to your niche. Then, add the list into an RSS feeder platform likeFeedlyand you can see all the latest posts from sources you trust. You can follow their example and create on-trend content.

5. Perform A/B Tests



You can play around with variations of captions, images, ad copy, hashtags, emojis, and CTAs to figure out which combination is more effective. Present each variant to a share of your audience and track their engagement in terms of clicks, comments, shares, and other parameters.



视频在社交媒体上很重要。他们是消费者#1 most-preferred品牌的社交内容。93%营销人员声称由于社交视频而赢得了新客户。63%的营销人员对他们从视频投资中获得的投资回报率感到满意。



Tutorials and DIY videos are especially popular among social users. And to make video creation easier, there are many sophisticatedvideo editing softwaresolutions you can use to create professional-looking videos.


Groups and communities on Facebook and LinkedIn are great places to do marketing. You can create a group of your customers and promote content, deals, and products there. You can provide value to customers by sharing gated content and company news. This can help foster brand loyalty and boost repeat sales.

你得到真正的互动——客户的洞察力on-one with customers in a group. In this way, you get a better understanding of their needs and feedback about existing products. Another benefit is that you can look for loyal customers who can work as brand advocates for you.

Groups of like-minded people are great for sharing knowledge and building brand awareness. You can test new content and product ideas in this small group before releasing them in the market. The expert feedback you receive can help you improve your content and strategy.

8. Don’t Stress Over Algorithm Shifts

Often, social media folks go into a frenzy when platforms suddenly change their algorithms. But, truly, there is no need to panic. If you maintain high quality in your content, there are chances that you won’t be affected too adversely by algorithm shifts.

最好了解算法更改背后的理由并调节您的内容以与之保持一致。不要尝试crack the algorithm经过questionable methods.


Many times, platforms are pretty straightforward about how brands can stay on the good side of a new algorithm. Mostly, the underlying logic is to serve users with valuable and relevant content along with a good user experience.


Social media is saturated with great content so it can be difficult to catch the attention of your target audience.



Through influencer marketing, you can build your credibility and authenticity. Influencers can help humanise your brand and serve more relatable content. Plus, they give an average earned media value of$ 5.78for every $1 spent.

You can follow theexample of brandsthat leveraged influencer marketing effectively.


Social media marketing is not as unfathomable as many marketers imagine it to be. You just need to approach it strategically. The tips in this post will help refine your marketing plans and give you an edge over competitors.
