


20 Ways to Make Money Online From Home



如果您是喜欢拍照的人,则可以将这些照片卖给库存摄影网站。No matter what you enjoy taking photos of, there's probably a market out there for it. Of course, you'll probably have to leave your house to actually take the photos. But once you have the photos, you can sell them over and over again on stock photo websites, turning this into a nice passive income opportunity, too. Check out sites like Shutterstock or Getty Images.



操作视频是观看最多的一些YouTube上的视频。如果您善于打破事情并以一种易于理解,直接的方式解释它们,为什么不赚取一些额外的收入来创建如何创建操作视频?有SEO tools您可以用来帮助您找到正确的关键字并优化视频说明,以便它们出现在搜索引擎中。


Are you a native English speaker? If you are and you're interested in teaching English to others, you can sign up with sites like TeachAway, English Hunt, iTutorGroup, and more. And, since it's all online, you can bring in a supplemental income from the comfort of your home—all you need is an internet connection!

4. Become a Copywriter




As a virtual assistant, you can earn money online from home by providing administrative or clerical services to both businesses and individuals. These positions typically include tasks like calendar management, customer service, and correspondence, but there's also a large need for virtual assistants with experience in bookkeeping, marketing,平面设计, and more.



很容易容易开始播客这些日子。另外,有了诸如Anchor之类的平台,您可以免费入门,并立即开始货币化播客,而没有广泛的观众。虽然有一些播客勇士(我们正在看着您,健身和业务影响者Chalene Johnson!)每天发行新的播客剧集,您可以根据需要发行剧集。大多数播客至少每周一次,但是有几个成功的播客that come out every other week. However often you decide to publish a new episode, just make sure you do it consistently so your audience knows what to expect.


Buying and selling websites or online businesses is another way to make money online from home and it's just like buying and selling houses—except you don't have to renovate anything. Sometimes people just don't want to maintain a website anymore. Or maybe they've built up an online business (like an eCommerce site) and are ready to do something else. Instead of letting the traffic from the site go to waste, you could buy the site and enjoy the benefits of its traffic or find someone else who wants to buy it. Check out Flippa if you're interested in a侧h像这样。



9. Become an Online Video Editor




You've probably heard the term "dropshipping" but might not know what it means. Simply put, dropshipping is a retail model in which the seller doesn't actually have to keep physical inventory on hand. Instead, the inventory and shipping are managed by a third-party. Sometimes those third-parties even handle customer service issues for dropshippers. Dropshipping is a great way to开始在电子商务中without having to put money out upfront to buy inventory that might not sell. You'll find dropshippers on Amazon and eBay. We suggest checking out Oberlo to get started fast.


If you've ever wanted to be the star of your own show,启动YouTube频道will make it possible. This isn't a get-rich-quick scheme, however. Growing a profitable YouTube channel can take months or even years. Of course, if you like making videos, you can start a YouTube channel really easily and start getting more YouTube subscribers. Turning on ads and selling channel memberships are two great ways to monetize your YouTube channel. Once you have 10,000 subscribers you can even开始销售商品!

12. Start a Blog

是的,博客仍然是一回事。而且,是的,您实际上可以从博客中赚钱。您将需要从决定要写的内容开始。天空是这里的极限。有关于博客(SO META),自由职业者,会员营销,旅行,健身,自助,食物以及几乎所有您可能想象的东西的博客。您的利基市场越具体,您必须使用博客赚钱的机会就越大,因为您的受众对您所说的话会更加感兴趣并参与其中。继续分享您的意见,产品评论和知识。





对于自由作家和撰稿人来说,编写电子书是合乎逻辑的下一步。而且,多亏了Kindle Di188滚球地址rect Publishing等平台,发布您自己的电子书真的很容易。即使您不愿自己编写自己的电子书,也可以找到一本已出版的印刷书并许可它以数字方式发布。您必须为在线出版权支付特许权使用费或一次性费用。


Facebookis an enormous platform, with more than 3 billion active users worldwide. Because of its potential reach,Facebook广告非常受欢迎。该平台本身易于使用,但并非所有企业都有时间或技能来运行自己的Facebook广告。那是您进来的地方。如果您对Facebook感到满意并可以整理一个不错的广告,则可以作为Facebook Ads广告系列经理推销自己并吸引大量客户。





Social media is no longer just about sharing thoughts, images, and有趣的gif和朋友。如今,社交媒体是品牌与客户和潜在客户保持联系的最流行方式之一。但是,社交媒体需要时间才能做正确,许多较小的企业只是没有时间(或个性)在社交媒体上取得成功。作为一个社交媒体经理for a business (or several businesses) is a fun way for people who are already going to be on social media anyway to make money online from home. You can set upsocial media marketing campaigns,处理客户投诉或问题,甚至引入销售。

奖励想法: 成为社交媒体影响者 !







如果您已经在写博客,我们强烈建议您添加会员营销to the mix. If you generate a decent amount of traffic on your site (at the very least 10,000 pageviews per month) you can start affiliate marketing to make money online from home easily. There are会员营销网络您可以将您与企业与会员营销计划联系起来。如果您找不到自己喜欢的业务,只需查看他们的网站或快速进行谷歌搜索业务名称以及“会员营销”,以找出他们是否有会员营销计划你可以加入。一些从属营销平台188滚球地址equire that you meet certain criteria (usually a certain amount of traffic or that you write about topics related to the product you want to promote) but it's not hard to get started at all.


There you have it. No gift cards, no online surveys. Just real ways to earn money. You can use any one of these ways to make money online from home but you might want to combine a few to take the revenue potential to the next level. Blogging and affiliate marketing are pretty easily added to any of the other items on our list. You can also combine podcasting or starting a YouTube channel with most of them, too. If you've never done something like this before, just choose one thing to get started. Once you get into the swing of things and are ready for more, head back to this article to find your next source of income or check out this list of工作中的营销工作!

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