
A new era of marketing has arrived this year amid Coronavirus with new platforms rising to the top and consumers behaving differently to brands. One of the newest features to be added to one of the biggest social platforms in the world is Instagram Reels; a new way to create and discover short-form video in-platform.

Reels allows you to record and edit 15-second multi-clip videos with custom audio, effects and tools like filters. Users, as well as brands, have taken to it with brands such as Louis Vuitton and Sephora creating their first campaigns on the app. Whilst the content on Reels is scarily similar to that of TikTok, with many users repurposing TikTok content on Reels, we don’t believe it will be a direct competitor to the app.


However, navigating new features can be a minefield for a marketer. Reels was only released in August 2020 and so there is little insight and information on how brands can really take advantage of its potential. We’ve written the top 5 ways brands can leverage Reels in their marketing strategy to make sure you are top of your game and splash the competition out of the water.



品牌充分利用IG卷轴的第一种方法是了解其与Tiktok内容的相关性。随着Tiktok视频在卷轴上重新使用,我们开始在IG Reels上出现Tiktok的哪些趋势之间的直接关系。

Head of Product at Instagram, Vishal Shah, has highlighted just how monumental TikTok has been in developing a whole generation’s way of viewing social media and even credited TikTok in their press release for IG Reels:"[TikTok] certainly didn't invent short form video, but they innovated it,".那么两个平台之间的这种镜像效果告诉我们什么?188滚球地址为了在卷轴上迈出一步,您需要了解Tiktok上的最新趋势。

随着IG Reels的舞蹈动作,音乐和声音直接从Tiktok抬起,品牌始终保持tiktok趋势的最佳状态从未如此相关。如果您的品牌保持最新内容的最新内容,并且不在Tiktok上工作,然后您可以将此内容直接利用为IG卷轴策略。这将意味着您不仅处于趋势状态,而且还领先于曲线,并且可能是最早跳入新平台上趋势的人之一。

And we’ve already seen some brands doing just that.Louis Vuitton是一个在Tiktok频道上没有视频的品牌的一个很好的例子,但利用了Tiktok趋势和功能,这些趋势和功能在其IG Reels内容中流行。Louis Vuitton的IG Reels视频直接利用Tiktok的流行过渡趋势来展示不同的服装,就像用户在Tiktok上一样。在他们的第一个系列IG卷轴中,模型被拍摄,并在更换衣服的同时拿起电话。这些在tiktok上如此流行的时尚过渡也毫不奇怪地对IG卷轴也很受欢迎。这个特殊的路易威登卷轴(Louis Vuitton Reel)带来了860万次观看次数,并具有373k的喜欢。


At Fanbytes by Brainlabs, we write a trends newsletter direct to your inbox every Tuesday and Thursday where we describe the top trends on TikTok during that time. We speak about what the trend is, why it’s a trend, and how you can leverage it as a brand. If you’d like access to this to inform your Reels content,click here.


除了路易·威登(Louis Vuitton)之外,我们看到的另一个品牌是他们的IG卷轴游戏中的顶级游戏。丝芙兰(Sephora)是一个已经以其美容产品而闻名的品牌,是游戏中最好的品牌,可以储备各种化妆品,皮肤护理,香水和各种不同品牌。尽管只有每个内容都在其频道上拥有三个IG Reels视频,都可以完美地钉住了如何以这种新的短而引人入胜的格式推销产品,品牌可以从中学到很多东西。

有2020万追随者丝芙兰确切地知道他们痴迷的客户想要什么 - 有关新产品以及如何使用它们的信息。如果我们看Sephora的first reel,它鼓励他们的追随者参加makeup challenge. We know that challenges have been extremely popular on TikTok and Sephora recognised early on that IG Reels was following suit.

在丝芙兰的第一个卷轴中视频,流行的化妆影响者瑞安·波特(Ryan B Potter)通过根据数字生成器随机从调色板中随机选择五种颜色,通过一种创造性的方式来吸引观众。瑞安(Ryan)迅速有效地进行了整个过程,并以这种方式创建了外观。在视频结束时,瑞安(Ryan)鼓励观众参加挑战。

Ryan’s call-to-action, encouraging users to take part has the effect that brands desire from these sorts of videos. When challenges are done right, they are highly engaged with and bring more attention to brands accounts due to the hype and word-of-mouth created from it. The 2.1M view count, 29.5K likes and 329 comments shows that Sephora knew exactly what they were doing.

通过在标题中进一步标记品牌产品,Sephora加强了他们对Instagram追随者需求的理解。新产品的促销和演示内容。如果您已经知道您的Instagram关注者想要什么,那么请将其利用为新的短形式和引人入胜的IG卷轴格式 - 您很高兴!

另一个确切知道追随者在IG卷轴策略中想要什么的品牌是快速和食物. This brand recognises the #foodeatfirst and #foodporn demographic that they are marketing to and exaggerate this with short mouthwatering content for IG Reels.

这个简单的视频,桌子上的某人打开了burrata正是和食品的搞笑卷都快吗bout. Slowly opening the incredible looking piece of burrata and then pouring olive oil over it, is extremely appetising, satisfying and aesthetically pleasing for the viewer. Fast and Food know their audience and have tapped into the #foodporn niche on Instagram. It makes us want to hop on a plane and order this burrata ASAP!


Brands should take Fast and Food and Sephora as IG Reels inspiration for their marketing strategies. They are successful because they utilise the content they already know works with their Instagram followers. Whether your brand is makeup, food or anything else, there’s a lot to be learnt from both of these brands in any successful niche on IG Reels.

3. Instagram将推动直接跳入Reels的新功能的品牌


IG Reels提供了许多出色的应用内功能,包括大量音乐。拿Junesixtyfive内容,定期使用IG Reels的音乐库。在这一点视频of her day at the beach, Junesixtyfive uses Billie Eilish’s song, ‘ilomilo’ in a series of short clips that has been made into a reel. In the video Junesixtyfive shows off her favourite summer looks and the song fits in perfectly with the type of short-form content she makes.

这个视频brought in 284K views and accumulated 15K likes and 186 comments. Since then, Junesixtyfive has continued to use trending songs in her content and the content has consistently done well. The user’s most regular邮政with the soundtrack ‘Go Go Go Who’s Nxt’ by hiphopharrytv, accumulated 31.8M views, 358K likes and 1913 comments.

这个rise in views and engagement with her post, comes from Junesixtyfive’s content being pushed and therefore discovered by more users. This is a great incentive for brands to keep as on top of new offerings as possible. By implementing this into your brand’s IG Reels strategy, you will not only be seen as innovative but will increase your visibility on the platform.


在所有IG Reels令人兴奋的功能中,重要的是不要忘记创建短形式内容的最重要方面 - 将产品作为视频的次要焦点。当以简短,真实和信息的内容吸引观众时,请记住,您不会在产品是中心重点的地方制作传统广告。

What you want to achieve is an immensely entertaining video that does a great job at subtly promoting your product. Showcasing products is a good idea but brands should do this by jumping onto trends and creating content that is more focused on the Reels effects and the innovation and creativity of the content rather than the product itself.

A great way to forgo this is by creating content on things you already know and are experts on and sharing that with your audience. Use IG Reels’ tools in order to demonstrate your knowledge and truly inform the viewer. This could be anything from ‘5 ways to wear a plain white shirt’ to ‘3 ways to eat a jacket potato’.


Kevinbparry的IG卷轴内容为例。尽管凯文(Kevin)是一名定格动画师,而他作为一项业务的首要任务是出售自己的技能,但他并不害怕让观众进入动画秘密。拿着它‘how to’ video凯文布里(Kevinbparry)在哪里让观众了解他如何创建一个视频达到160万的观看次数。

It is clear from the view count that Instagram users love this informational content. By letting users in on how he creates his innovative and engaging videos, Kevin has gained consistent view counts and engagement, as users follow him to view more. This is a perfect example of why brands should put all inhibitions aside when creating content for short-form social media platforms and tap into the informational niche.

5. Growing your fanbase is about leveraging the discover page not engagement

In order to keep this fanbase growing, it is important to truly understand how users will be engaging with your IG Reels. On both TikTok and IG Reels it is important for brands to keep growing their fanbase, but brands should not expect this to happen in the same way.


Instagram将不用订婚评级,而是会推动具有较高手表并喜欢计数的视频出现在随机用户的Discover页面上。这就是IG Reels算法的工作原理,您可以在单击应用程序的此部分后立即看到它。







为了在Instagram上不断出现在用户的Discover页面上,请确保您正在向IG Reels受众创建信息或相关内容,并在平台的最新功能中获得最佳用途。这些技巧将使您的品牌稳定地使用Reels在IG上增强您的追随者,并成为游戏中最好的产品之一。



雪莉·查达(Shelly Chadha)

雪莉(Shelly)是Brainlabs的Fanbytes的内容经理,Brainlabs是一家屡获殊荣的影响者营销机构,致力于为您带来最新的Z G金博宝188备用网址en Insights。Brainlabs的Fanbytes帮助了Universal,Missguided,McDonalds&Yougov等顶级品牌在社交媒体上赢得了年轻人的心。她领导了Fanbytes的内容策略,并且可以在Drum&Talking Trange等顶级营销出版物中看到她的见解。
