25 Growth Hacks for the Informed Digital Marketer

As a digital marketer, you need all of the knowledge and skills possible to achievegrowth for your business同时帮助客户成长。您需要不断更新自己的技能,并查看可以在哪里改进当前流程。查看这25种增长骇客,可以提高您作为数字营销人员的技能,并利用它们来发展自己的业务。

25 Growth Hacks for the Informed Digital Marketer:

#1: Start Adopting Proactive Live Chat

Proactive live chat is the online equivalent of a helpful and attentive floor assistant at a shop. Instead of waiting for customers to approach them for help, it offers a friendly presence right from the beginning. So visitors will not only be aware of the option but also feel more comfortable to approach you for help. This assistance could eventually turn into conversions.



You can useBuzzsumoto research trending topics and the most shared content in your industry. Based on the insights you collect on top-performing content, you can brainstorm ideas and topics for content that will intrigue and engage your audience.


Content upgrades allow you to offer a free downloadable extension of your content in exchange for their contact information. You can offer content upgrades such as checklists, ebooks, bonus strategies, resource guides, templates, webinar recordings, etc.

See for instance, how Convince and Convert offers a free template in the following blog post.

Image Source:说服和convert依

#4: Delay Your Retargeting Cookies

Make sure that you focus your retargeting efforts on people who have shown genuine interest in your content. So instead of retargeting people who left immediately after landing on your site, you canadd a codethat will automatically hide your retargeting cookies for a few seconds. This code will then unhide the cookies after a set amount of time, preferably 45 seconds.

#5: Use Exit-Intent Popups

Start displaying exit-intent popups to capitalise whatever traffic you’ve managed to attract to your site. Using these popups, you will be able to identify when a visitor is attempting to leave your site and automatically show them a last-minute offer.

#6: Allow One-Click Registration

When you send out email invitations to register for events such as webinars, make it easier for people to complete their action with one-click registration. Once they click on the CTA in your email, you will pass on the recipient’s information via a URL. And they won’t have to enter their information all over again, making it easier for them to convert.

#7: Deliver Emails from Real People



与您的电子邮件收件人,你增加信任should establish that your email is coming from a real person. So in addition to the above tip, you should also include your picture, which will appear in the thumbnail next to your name and email address. Here’s how it will look:

#9: Respond to Quora and Reddit Questions

One of the best ways to drive relevant traffic to your site is by engaging with relevant communities on Quora and Reddit. Look for questions in your industry that you can provide answers to, and include relevant links to your blog posts or product pages within your answers. In the case of Quora, you might even get people approaching you for answers once you’ve built up a reputation on a certain topic.

#10: Test Your Headline before Publishing

Your headline is one of the first things people will notice about your content. So before you publish it, make sure you run it through theCoschedule标题分析仪看看是否有任何改进方法。对于所有具有标题的内容,例如博客文章,着陆页副本,销售副本,网页内容等,这是一个重要步骤。


Roundup posts are a great way to create valuable content that has a good chance of going viral.Tor Refsland, for instance, managed to get more than 20,000 page views in just six days because of one epic roundup post. You can与行业影响者建立联系对于他们对某个主题的见解,然后创建一个有价值的文章供您的读者分享。也可以鼓励有影响力的人分享和帮助您的帖子传播。

#12: Turn Your 404 Page into Something Valuable

There may be times when people land on 404 pages on your site when they follow a bad link or a link to a page you’ve removed. In these cases, they may be unsure of what to do next and just bounce off your page. Instead of letting them get lost or leaving them on a basic 404 page, you can create a 404 landing page that provides something of value such as a checklist, ebook, course registration, etc.

TheContent Marketing Institutedid a great job of this by adding links to important resources on their 404 page. They also included a search bar so people have an easier time finding what they’re looking for.


图表是一个伟大的方式直观地接触哟ur audience while providing them with valuable information. You could promote your old blog posts by repurposing them into信息图表。而且,由于信息图不会包含太多信息,因此,如果他们想要更多详细的信息,您可以将其引导到旧博客文章中。

#14: Repurpose Popular Blog Posts into Videos

Using the content research you conducted through BuzzSumo, you can find the most shared and backlinked pieces of content and repurpose them into videos. Then you can publish the videos on YouTube, your website, or both. You can also create short clips to promote the video on other social media channels and to help drive traffic to your site.

#15: Add Testimonials on Landing Pages


#16: Add Testimonials on Payment Page


For example, see how Ninja Outreach is following this tactic in the screenshot below. They have also added a Comodo Secure badge to their payment page. This also helps to establish trust.

#17: Create Dedicated Landing Pages for Each Ad Group

If you want to experience the full impact of your ads, you need to make sure that you keep the messaging and content consistent with the ad itself. When you create different ad groups, make sure you have a dedicated landing page for each group. This will help deliver targeted content and messaging that’s relevant to each audience, helping boost conversions.


Develop a retargeting campaign personalised according to the content each visitor just consumed. This will help you position your offer in a way that’s relevant to them and has the desired impact.

#19: Send Out Post-Webinar Emails

Follow-ups are a great way to re-engage and retain your customers. So if you host a webinar, make sure you send out emails thanking people for attending. You could include a link that will allow them to access the webinar recording. You could even send an email out to those who registered but missed the event. Such follow-up emails could also work for events other than webinars.

#20: Send Out Cart Abandonment Emails



#21: Prompt Post-Conversion Social Sharing



您让人们分享您的内容的越多,就越有可能吸引网站的流量。但是,许多读者可能不一定想共享整个内容。因此,通过允许他们分享最喜欢的内容的任何部分,使他们更容易。您可以使用tooltipsterapp for this.


One of the best ways to generate a lot of leads is by creating a free tool that people can use and share, or even include in their blog posts and tools lists. But make sure the tool is relevant for your target audience.Influencer Marketing Hub, for instance, created tools like theInstagram Money CalculatorYouTube货币计算器。These tools allow people to get an estimate of how much influencers could earn on these platforms.

#24: Include Relevant CTA Banners in Your Emails

You could also leverage the emails sent out by your company and team by including a relevant CTA banner to promote something. This could be anything from your new blog post to your upcoming webinar. You can use tools likeSigstrfor this, and create eye-catching but neat banners that can help convert your email recipients.

#25: Use a Negative Statement to Close Popups

Finally, encourage people to reconsider their decision to close your popup. Instead of just adding a “close” button, add a negative statement that could prompt them to think twice about their action. You could use this for all of your offer popups and exit-intent popups.




